Chapter 36

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She turns on the safety of the gun, placing it back in its hiding spot. She moves towards her door, locking it firmly behind Jungkook. Obviously, it isn't hard to break into this place.

"Fuck, I'm so stupid," She mutters to herself, glaring at the door, "Why can't I kill him?"

She knows the answer to this question, she just doesn't want to admit it. She pities him.

She was brought up in that life, she never had a choice. Her father, her brother, and her mother, all of them were raised in it. Jungkook wasn't. He was essentially sold to Grim for safety.

When they were little, in the training dorms, Jimin told her Jungkook's story.

Jungkook was terrified. A shivering, pathetic mess of a child. She watched as it was all beaten out of him, replaced with murderous intent. Even though they are the same age, she felt protective of him in a sense.

She wanted to save him.

After she broke up with him, she thought that her pity was gone. He had grown into a monstrous killing machine with no regard for anyone else but himself. She thought that when he cheated on her, that was her last straw. But apparently, it wasn't. Why does she still care? Why does she still pity him?

She is also very strictly trying to avoid her previous life as an assassin. She doesn't really want to kill anyone, even Seokjin. Instinctively, she wants to, desperately. But if she does, she is Faith. She ran away for a reason, so why would she go out of her way just to bring Faith back to life? She's not doing it. It's what he wants.

Why am I struggling to not be a killer?

She doesn't contemplate this for long, as her phone starts ringing. She frowns down at the caller ID. It's a private number.

Fuck it.

She answers the call.



"Namjoon?" Luna gasps, "How did you get my number? Why are you calling me?"

"Love you too, sis," He chuckles, "Doesn't matter, I've been informed of what's happening. I'm on my way,"

"Huh? Right now?" Luna replies.

"Yeah, I'm about to board the plane," Namjoon sighs, "It'll take me about 16 hours, I'll see you at lunchtime?"

"No!" Luna snaps, "It's dangerous. Text me when you get here and I'll send you my address, okay?"

"Oh damn, okay," Namjoon replies, sounding a little shocked, "I'll be there soon, don't worry,"

"Okay..." Luna replies. She doesn't voice the relief she feels hearing that he will be there for her soon.

He is still a jerk.

"Bye, Luna,"

He hangs up, leaving Luna reeling. All she has to do is get through the day tomorrow, and then she will see Namjoon. After, she can go visit Jimin and Hoseok and check in on them.

Should I visit them now?

As this thought pops into her head, she yawns. She is beyond tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. She doesn't feel like drinking with them, not right now. As much as she misses Jimin's laughter and Hoseok's sunshine, she has no energy.

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