Chapter 35

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"Good morning, Yoongi," Luna smiles, "How was your weekend?"

"Boring," Yoongi rolls his eyes, "Ready for work?"

"Bleh," Luna retorts as they exit the elevator, heading to their desks.

Luna and Yoongi collectively decided to pretend everything is normal at the station. This is one of those obvious assumptions considering the situation, but they did confirm between them exactly how far they are willing to go. As much as Luna would like to maintain this false façade only in the presence of the other detectives, then let it all go in Seokjin's office, Yoongi has forbidden her from doing that.

"Morning Briefing, let's go," Senior Detective Lee calls out, entering the conference room. Luna and Yoongi glance at each other before following him in. They take their usual seats at the back of the room.

Once Seokjin enters, Luna's heart begins to beat hard and painfully, the prickling sensation of anger travelling down her limbs. She glares at him, watching as he comfortably walks towards the podium, that insufferable professional mask plastered to his face. His eyes scan the room, finding her easily. She can see the smugness behind his eyes, even from this distance.

I have a gun in my holster right now.

It should be that easy, right? Just shoot him. So what if she goes away for murder? Who cares if people look down on her as if she killed someone innocent? At least Taehyung would be safe. So many people would be safe.

They wouldn't realise the sacrifice she would be making. They would see a poor man, but she would see the snake that he is, dead by her hands.

Yoongi nudges her with his knee under the desk, startling her from her murderous fantasies. Her thoughts must have been mirrored on her face for him to notice. She empties her expression, resting her eyes on Seokjin as he begins the meeting.

He assigns a few cases to the other detectives but doesn't pass anything on to Luna and Yoongi. At the end of the meeting, he dismisses everyone, waiting at the stand for Luna and Yoongi to pass. She gulps, standing from her seat, planning to walk past professionally without any eye contact. She completely forgot Yoongi's plans.

"Mr Kim Seokjin," Yoongi mutters quietly as they reach the front of the room, "I was wondering if I could see you this morning? I received some interesting information on the weekend,"

Luna pauses beside him, looking up at Seokjin blankly. Seokjin glances towards her, smirking slightly.

"Of course," Seokjin nods, "Has something happened?"

"Maybe," Yoongi sighs dramatically, his eyes darting around nervously, "Let's talk in your office,"

Yoongi is really good at this.

"All right," Seokjin agrees, "Let's go,"

They leave the room, heading towards the hallway. Luna stops at their office, unlocking the little room. This makes Seokjin halt in his tracks, frowning at Yoongi.

"Is Luna not aware of what you want to talk about?" Seokjin asks. It is currently just them in this hallway; all the other staff are off doing their work.

"She is," Yoongi nods, "Do you wish for her to join us?"

"No, it's okay," Seokjin replies dismissively, "I'm sure you have a lot to do, Luna," Seokjin mutters, that evil glint in his eyes. How has she not noticed the signs all this time? He is evil incarnate.

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