"Don't do anything stupid," I warned Chelsea while she insisted on fixing my tie which was a first.

"Whatever Leo," she rolled her eyes before kissing me.

It had been too many kisses this morning.

"Have fun at work! I love you so much. Say bye-bye Daddy!" She lifted Lucy's hand so that our little girl was waving at me.

That was cute.


It was around 3 in the afternoon when Jeffrey came into my room.

"Are there going to be drinks?"


"You know, for the party."

"What party?" I frowned.

He took out his phone and showed me the text that Chelsea had sent him. I had no idea how she got his number. Her habit of snooping around my things was fucking annoying.

"I'm glad to be invited," Jeffrey chuckled, "Even Leana is pretty happy to be over, she said she'll bring the kids."


"Don't tell me you had no idea."

"Well, now I do," I sighed. Chelsea must have invited Jim and the boys too.

"So, is there?"

"Is there what?"

"Drinks! Or is it going to be completely child-friendly."

"Er... I have scotch?"

"Great," Jeffrey grinned.

"Why are you so concerned about it?"

"If I try drunk driving, Leana will be very mad. So, if we both get drunk and I ask our driver to take us, the night will go well," He smiled.

I wondered when we had gotten so informal with each other. Not that I was complaining though, it actually pleased me to think that I had someone who'd willingly bitch about his marital troubles.

"You want me to be completely honest about something?" Jeffrey asked while taking a seat on my couch. I looked up at him.

"You and Chelsea. I never thought that things would work out this well... But I'm glad it did, Mr.Xander," he smiled.

"Don't you think that the freeze and everything that happened... were all for the better?"

"Is this an excuse to slack off on the investigation?" I glared.

"No, no," he chuckled and waved his hand in the air, "I'm just saying that some things happen for a reason. What do you think?"

"I think that you're wasting my time," I turned back to my laptop. He rolled his eyes, "Not even karma can change some people."

"Are lawyers honestly this leisurely?"

"Are all businessmen such pricks?" He sneered before heading out my door.


"Mrs.Wilson isn't coming with you?" I asked the boys who were shaking from excitement.

"She said she has some chores to do," Danny replied from the backseat.

"Are you really going to send us to a boarding school in England?" Gary asked.

Mathew had talked all details with their mother regarding their schooling and it looked like the children were already aware of everything.

"Yes. Your mother prefers it too."

"Hmm... Will there be English girls too?"

"We're not going there to meet English girls!" Danny frowned at his brother, "We're going there to study."

The Playboy's MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now