Why was my life filled with cockblockers?

"The physiotherapist won't be coming today. She has somewhere else to be, I came to pass it on... and something else..." She sighed.

"Mr.Xander, I don't think that we should hide it any further..."


"What? What's wrong, Dr.Carter...? Leo?" She turned to me.

It was either now or never.

"Do you remember the tests you did right before the accident happened?"

"Oh... yeah, what about them?" Chelsea stared at us in confusion.

"Dear, you had endometrial cancer. It was the first stage, so we were able to completely remove it with surgery. We had to perform a hysterectomy. That's the scar on your stomach."

Chelsea went blank.

She stared at Dr.Carter for a while, by this time, Lucy had crawled into my lap.

"You're joking... I got that from the accident..." My wife mumbled.

Dr.Carter shook her head.

"You mean I... I can't..." She choked on her words.

"Unfortunately, you can't conceive any more kids."

I saw the tears that had welled in her eyes. She turned to look at me, the tears rolled down one by one till she hugged her knees and began crying bitterly. Dr.Carter left us alone, and I took that chance to leave Lucy in her cradle before returning to Chelsea's side.

She was bawling her eyes out.

"Chelsea, come on, it's alright.." I whispered while wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

She pulled away from me and fell back on the bed, hugging her pillow. Chelsea began sobbing more loudly. Seeing no other option, I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"We have Lucy. She's all we need," I whispered while burying my face in her neck.

"But!" She turned to face me and sobbed into my chest.

"But you said, y-your company... a-and-!"

"It doesn't matter now." I sighed, "You have to calm down, it's not good for your health."

Her sobs turned quiet, but her grip on my clothes was still strong.

"L-Lucy's going to b-be all alone..."

"She won't be alone, geez. So many kids grow up fine without siblings."


Her whining was getting on my nerves but if I got mad at her, Chelsea would burst out crying again.

"I thought... Y-you'd love me m-more if w-we... W-we..."

"If we what?" I frowned.

"If we had m-more kids."

"Seriously..." I muttered and took a deep breath, "I don't think I'll love you even if we have a hundred kids."

Chelsea pulled back just to scowl at me.

"You're the worst. Fucking worst."

She made me smile for some reason, "I know." I wiped the tears off her cheeks. Chelsea buried her head in my chest again.

"I don't want to die," her voice was a whisper.

"Chelsea..." I hugged her tighter, my tone gentle now, "... it's all over. You're not going to die. I promise," my lips brushed against her ear.

The Playboy's MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now