Chelsea gulped and closed her eyes again, but her grip on my hand was still strong.

"What's wrong?" I asked the doctor.

"She's just tired and she can't stay awake all the time. But she is conscious. It's a great achievement, Mr.Xander. But what could have triggered this?"

"Lucy just started crying," I mumbled.

"That could be it. She was probably asking for her baby... But I won't recommend it just yet. Since her breathing is stable, we'll get rid of the ventilator. It will help in the recovery."

I nodded.


"Mrs.Xander, can you hear well?" Dr.Hudson asked while scribbling something on his notepad.

It was around 10 pm and Chelsea had woken up again. This time, she opened her eyes a little more and kept them open. Her ventilator and food tube were taken off, and now she was left with the drip and bandages.

She'd have to get rid of them as soon as possible.

"Can you?" Dr.Hudson repeated.

Chelsea opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

"It's alright, just nod your head for yes or say nothing for no."

Chelsea gave a little nod and I sighed in relief.

"Excellent. Now, do you have any difficulty seeing or recognizing the people around you?"

Chelsea squeezed my hand without any head movement. Her being cheesy even in a hospital bed made me smile.

"Do you have any difficulty eating?"

She gave a little nod. "Right, we'll work on that," Dr.Hudson scribbled more.

"Is breathing difficult?"

She didn't move again.

"Very good. You're doing very well, Mrs.Xander. You'll be much better in a couple of days," Dr.Hudson smiled before leaving.

"It's pretty late. I'll be in the next room," I told her but she squeezed my hand tighter.


Chelsea gave a weak pout.

"What do you want me to do?" I sighed.

She bumped her diamond ring with mine.

"I won't understand your signs until you start talking, Chelsea."

She pouted a little more and kept clinking our rings together.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

She gave her little nod a couple of times and smiled.

As I was sitting by the edge of her bed, I bent forward and kissed her forehead softly.

"Good night." I got up to leave but she still hadn't let go of me. "Now what?" I sighed in frustration.

Chelsea played with my fingers till she had successfully made me point at her face with my index finger.

"Still desperate, I see." My arms were on either side of her face, my eyes piercing into hers.

"Chelsea..."I brushed my lips against hers. My wife was already breathing heavily.

"Do you want me to ravage you?"

She began nodding more frantically. I brushed her lip with my thumb.

"You'll have to say something though," I whispered while letting my nose touch hers. Kissing the side of her face, I made it to her neck. With closed eyes, I saw Chelsea fisting the sheet in her hands.

The Playboy's MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now