"Yes! It's just for a while, right? I don't mind."

"Mr.Campbell, I'm not joking around. What if Mr.Choi backs off at the last moment? He'll accuse us of kidnapping him. Your car is involved, you will be dragged into this too."

I didn't want my last resort to end up in prison for something stupid.

"Mr.Xander," Jeffrey chuckled, "I'm a lawyer and a very good one, touchwood. I know very well to squeeze out of tight cracks like these."

He was right. If he wasn't a good lawyer, he wouldn't be working under me.


"Call me when you're done with the plan. You can take the car whenever you like. I do have a few."

Of course, perks of being rich.


When I went home that evening, Chelsea opened the door with a constipated expression.

Dinner was on the table, Lucy was sobbing without any reason and Chelsea collapsed on the bed with her face down.

"You're sick?" I asked while carrying Lucy in my arms.

"Fucking cramps!" She groaned into the pillow.


I spent the evening on the balcony. Lucy soon fell asleep while playing with the buttons on my shirt. After tucking her in, I got under the sheets next to Chelsea.

"Does it hurt that bad?" I sighed even though I just wanted some head.

"It has never hurt this bad!" She groaned again.

When I closed my eyes to get some sleep, Chelsea's voice woke me up again, "What about the kidnapping?"

Even in pain, she never missed out on the crazy details.

"Let me clarify, this is not going to be a real kidnapping. We'll be faking it just to get Mr.Choi alone. There's nothing to be excited about."

"So is it really happening?" She whispered.

"Yes, tomorrow. Now go to sleep," I leaned over and hugged her warm figure.


"We're so gonna be rogues!" Chuck grinned while covering his face with a dark mask. He gave Jay one as well.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped at him.

"We can't let anyone spot us."

"It's past 11 and there is not a soul in sight."

"God, I can't imagine having to work under you," Jay shook his head and pulled on the mask.

Chase was at the wheel of Jeffrey's black SUV. Even though my lawyer had good taste, mine was far better than his.

The windows were tinted black and the four of us went quiet upon nearing my company. From what I remembered, Mr.Choi often stayed at the 5-star hotel next to Xander Corp. Since it was a short walk, he always made it a point to not go by wheels. The man was a workaholic like every diligent Japanese citizen and he never left his work until 11 pm.

"Have you told him though? That you're going to fake kidnap him?"

"No. He has to be taken by surprise to avoid any mishaps."

"Yes boss," Chuck grinned.

Mr.Choi stepped out of the building right then. His short figure had grown thinner and his hair was graying.

"That's him."

"Target acquired," Jay whispered.

Chase slowly drove towards him.

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