19: Fireworks

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After a couple of minutes, Chelsea's bright face popped up in my view, "Miss me?"

"When are we leaving? The music is shit."

"Yeah... I guess this year's theme is rock and rap," she sighed and sat down next to me, "If you really want to go... We can go back in like ten or twenty minutes..." My wife sounded very hesitant.

"Hey ballerina, before you leave, try this!" Jim urged me to sit up and handed me a barbecue. It at least looked like one but it wasn't.

"Oh my god, Jim! I was joking about the chunks!" Chelsea gasped and tried to snatch it from him but he held it beyond her reach.

"It's part of the bet, my dear." He winked at her.

"What bet?" I asked while taking it from Jim.

"Eat it!" Chuck laughed, even Chase was giggling with Susan.

"What the hell is this?"

"Relax ballerina, it's called the chunky stick, a very popular delicacy during the festival. It has different roasted meat chunks on it... All grilled on a barbecue. It's pretty delicious."

"Hmm..." I took a bite and it tasted incredible.

"No!" Chelsea groaned.

"Why don't you want me to eat this?"

"We had a bet where she was very confident that you wouldn't eat something as cheap as the chunky stick. Now, she has lost," he explained.

"What did you bet on?"

"There was no prize actually... He just promised that he would make you eat it..." She mumbled.

"This is going to be hilarious!" Jay rolled around laughing and suddenly pounced back on his feet. "Jim! I need to tell you something! I need everyone to huddle up!"

"Chase, I'm gonna need your help to carry him home," Jim sighed while wrapping his arms around Jay's shoulder.

"What is it, son?"

"I'm gay."

A deep silence engulfed the men and women, but Lucy kept cooing.

"I knew that already. Anything else?" Jim cocked an eyebrow.

"What the heck? I feel threatened!" Chuck gasped and Chase smacked his head.

"Don't be mean," Isabelle chuckled at her boyfriend.

"He's fine with it y'all!" Jay fell back on the grass and began moving his arms and legs as though he was making a snow angel without snow.

"We still love you, Jay," Chelsea told him with a grin. "Thank you!" He slurred and fell asleep.

I laid back on the grass while nibbling my chunky stick.

"You don't want to watch the band?" Chelsea nudged me.

"Lucy and I are watching the stars."

"That sounds more interesting," she smiled and laid her head on my chest while holding Lucy high in the air, "Or maybe I could watch my rainbow cupcake?"

It amazed me how much Lucy had grown. Even though she was just four months old, she was already holding her head up. Chelsea hugged her again and scooted closer so that we were snuggled well.

She laid on her side with Lucy beside her bosom, so that our little girl wouldn't be squeezed between us. I propped myself on one elbow to watch them. Chelsea gently patted her chest as our daughter made amusing noises upon feeling the grass under her. She plucked a few leaves and threw them in the air.

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