chapter 70

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Jungkook was strong till now , he never once cried again for his family after coming back from hospital because he doesn't want Namjoon Hyung to cry for them too but when he explained his past to his boyfriends , he don't know what happened to him , he just cried like a baby in front of them . Every single pain he was feeling in his heart but was not expressing to anyone was just opened like that only.

Meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung who hate to see a single tear in their Jungkook eyes , watched him crying like there was no tomorrow. They both hugged him and never once left his side , they were feeling his pain in their heart too and were crying with him too .

Jungkook and Taehyung slept after crying but Jimin couldn't even blink his eyes in fear of sleeping when Jungkook or Taehyung must have been having a hard time.

Jungkook was sleeping on Jimin's lap while Taehyung was sleeping hugging Jimin's left arm on the sofa , meanwhile Jimin was playing with Jungkook hair .

Jimin sighed " my poor babies.... you both went through so much and still you were strong and here I thought I have gone through so much but it is nothing compared to both of your pain and still i was weak " he whispered feeling bad for his boys .

" Should I tell you both about him ... And forget about him ...should I do that " Jimin asked whispering again while sighing deeply .

Namjoon woke up early to make breakfast for Sejini himself even though he was not allowed to enter the kitchen , he fought so boldly that poor staff also couldn't stop him .

Seokjin also woke up and came outside his room to have some water while yawning. He took a glass from the side of the table, poured himself water and drank turning around while leaning on the table .

Namjoon eyes went wide and cheeks red when he saw seokjin standing in front of him half naked wearing only boxers and a big robe like he is some kind of prince .

Seokjin who was drinking water peacefully when saw Namjoon in front of him , he splashed whole water on his bodyguard face who just came to inform seokjin about something.

" *cough* *cough* seokjin coughed and instantly closed his robe as his cheeks went red too " * cough* what * cough* what the hell are you doing in the kitchen "

Namjoon cleared his throat and started steering the vegetables in the pan as if nothing happened " I am making food for Sejini .. and who roam naked in the house "

" it my house and I can roam around however I want " Seokjin wiped his mouth and looked his bodyguard who was wiping his handsome face with a tissue paper kept on the table " I am sorry... " he apologized to which his bodyguard just gave a nod smiling awkwardly" its okay"

" Sir I came to inform you about.. " he looked Namjoon and then leaned forward to whisper in seokjin ear " ..that girl moved this morning.. and what is shocking that she went in Mr. Kim house.

Seokjin face has no surprising expression as if he knows this is going to happen. He gave a nod " good work.. keep me updated "

Bodyguard bowed down and gave a nod " yes sir " and went out of the house still wiping his face " I just had facial " he said smiling and with tears in his eyes .

Seokjin then walked inside the kitchen and leaned his back on the kitchen top inspecting the food which Namjoon was making and to his surprise it was smelling good.

He leaned forward to smell more " what an odd smell .. are you sure you are making the right dish "

Namjoon frowned " but I think it smelled good " he picked the spoon from the side , took a good amount of broth in his spoon to have a taste" it tastes good ..." Namjoon was confused because he liked the taste meanwhile seokjin was smiling looking Namjoon easily getting fool.

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