chapter 65

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Meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook were at home but were not together. Taehyung had some of his personal work which was delayed because of prison but needs supervision now so after kissing Jungkook he went to his office where no is allowed.

Jungkook was all alone and was getting bored , so he decided to meet his brother but when he went to seokjin building he was told that they are gone for some work which he couldn't understand where and why .

Jungkook pouting came back from there and sat down in the garden but he had nothing there too but suddenly an idea popped up in his mind , which made him smile to the extreme.

He quickly ran to Taehyung kitchen to make some delicious food for his boyfriends but he was denied to enter and was told that only chefs are allowed.

Heartbroken Jungkook was left with no choice than to go to Taehyung bedroom alone , as soon he entered the room he started missing both of them more . While pouting he climbed the bed , hugged the pillow which has the scent of them and laid down.

Taehyung signed a bundle of paper and discussed some important things with Hoseok and finally got a time to get relaxed a bit .

" what time is it ? " Hoseok asked stretching his arms in the air which got tensed after seating for many hours.

Taehyung while yawning opened his phone to check and what he saw made his eye went wide " what !!! 9... we worked for straight 12 hours " he asked raising his eyebrows in shock .

Hoseok was stunned too , he quickly pulled out his phone " you are right... its 9 " and suddenly noticed 24 missed call from yoongi .

Taehyung quickly stood up closing the file in front of him " Jungkook must be waiting... you shouldn't have brought so much work like I have no tomorrow "

Hoseok keeping back his phone in his pocket stood up looking at Taehyung angrily " why are you scolding me .. when it was you who made me work for 2 days for your boyfriend case without any rest ... I couldn't even sleep " he scolded Taehyung and before Taehyung could says anything , he walked out of the room .

"I .. I am sorry " he apologized feeling bad and suddenly realized something which made him angry "why am I sorry ...I am your boss ...not you " he shouted but it was a waste because Hoseok walked away from there ages ago .

Taehyung quickly wrapped all the things and walked out of the room leaving a file on the desk named " sample"

Jimin after coming from home , he was on the way to Taehyung mansion . His heart and mind was filled with anger . He can't marry Jennie , he just can't  , he just wanted to be with Taehyung and Jungkook but he also can't let his father expose them which could result in more bigger punishment which can death penalty and thought of loosing them was making his heart tremble .

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh " he angrily banged his hand against the steering wheel several times, venting out his anger but the more he was banging the more anger was filling inside him .

He finally stopped  and leaned his head down on the steering wheel to calm himself down " what should I do .. " he slowly moved back on the seat and raised his hand to look the bracelet on his wrist " what should I do tae , kook " he asked caressing the bracelet.

Taehyung came towards the mansion, scolding himself multiple times inside his head " where is Jungkook ? " he asked his bodyguard on the gate.

He told him everything that Jungkook did for the entire day which made Taehyung feel guilty , he walked straight up to stairs and slowly opened the gate of his room " kook ..!! Are you there baby ?" he asked but stopped as soon as he saw a cute person lying on the bed .

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