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I try to focus on my breathing, as I stand under my shower. Rinsing the sweat of my football practise, if that's what you can call it, off my body. My breathing and heartbeat have been off, ever since Charles told me he wanted to take me on a date. Ever since I agreed I would go on this date with, since I agreed to tell Pierre about whatever it is that is happening.

We're definitely not a couple yet, we're too focussed on just getting to know each other in a different way. Are we dating? Maybe. I mean this would technically qualify as a third date, in a timespan of what? Just over a week. Or is this just a holiday romance. One that will not stay once we go back home. When I go back to Paris and he returns to the glitter and glamour of Formula One and Monaco. The truth is, I really don't know what this is. Which makes is weird telling my brother about this.

This is not the same as when I was dating Arthur. That was easy and clear. Telling Pierre was easy back then, I hadn't made a big mess of my life back then.

"Pierre can we talk?" I ask shyly, my brother just about to enter his hotel room. It was one of the many Grand Prix I used to attend back then.

"I don't really have much time, but come on in." Pierre says I follow him into the room. "What's wrong?"

I sit down on the couch, quickly trying to gather my thoughts. "Nothing's wrong really." I say smiling.

"Then why'd you want to talk?"

"Do you remember that party you forced me to go to? The one where you introduced me to Arthur?" I begin, Pierre just nods a small smirk appearing on his face. "Well we kind of went out on a few dates." Pierre already starts smiling brightly. "Hold up! I'm not finished yet." I calm my brother down.

"Please tell me you're not pregnant." Pierre says his happiness already switching to worry.

"Oh, no." I say horrified, but bursting into laughter right after. "He asked me to be his girlfriend today." A bright smile on my face. "I said yes."

Pierre tackles me into a tight hug. "Oh Lie, I'm so happy for you both!"

It was all happy memories back then. I really don't know what he will do if I tell him. I know he's been onto me, or is, anyway. He's been noticing that I've been acting off, I just don't know if he's realised that this is the reasoning behind it.

I get out from under the shower, changing into sweatpants and a hoodie. Knowing we that if I'm actually going out with Charles tonight, I'll need to take the afternoon to relax a bit. I tie my hair up in a bun, before walking out my room. All three boys are sitting in the living room area, all of them pretty much minding their own business. As I enter the room, Charles does look up, making eye contact in the process. He shoots me a reassuring smile and a small thumbs up as I walk towards Pierre.

"Hey P?" I ask, catching his attention. "Can you come walk with me real quick? I need to tell you something."

Pierre just looks confused, but still puts aside his iPad and follows me back to my bedroom. "You're worrying me, Lie. You seemed so happy, and now you say this." He says, a worried look on his face magnifying the impact of his words.

"No need to worry. It's not something bad. At least I don't think so." I say softly, sitting down on the bed next to him. "I just need to ask you something, because I don't think I could keep this from you for much longer."

"Okay, well start talking." Pierre says eagerly.

I take another deep sigh, something I seem to do often lately. "Okay, so you know how you keep saying I look happier?" Pierre nods slowly signalling for me to continue. "Well it might be because I've been talking to this guy a lot, and we seem to get along well."

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