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"It's non negotiable Amelie." My mom says, she had joined our conversation after I almost smashed one of the plates, while I tried to convince Pierre that I was fine and wasn't joining them.

"Why not? I'm an adult, I can take care of myself."

"Like you did last year?" Pierre counters, how are they still not over this?

"Like I've done for the past year, yes. I've learned how to make sure I can take the best care of my body. Look at me, I'm the healthiest I've ever been." I state, heavily motioning over my body. I'm in perfect shape.

"We're scared you'll over train yourself. You coach even called us to make sure you wouldn't." My mom confesses.

"Great." I mutter. "And you think going to join three formula one athletes in preseason won't over train me?"

"We will make sure you won't." Pierre adds.

"Who? You and the guy who hates you? Or the guy that hates me?" I yell, getting angrier with the minute. "Pierre, you might not see it, but that is a toxic group for me to be in."

I can feel I'm getting more agitated every second I'm in the room. Making a line to my coat and purse, I grab my car keys from the dresser by the door.

"Thanks for today guys, but I'm going home." I yell, getting into my car and driving home.

I slam my front door closed behind me, throwing my purse and coat next to it. Not even taking the time to hang it.

How is it that after a year, my family still believes I've got an unhealthy relationship with sport and training. Heck even my coach.

"AAAAGH" I yell angrily, trying to calm myself down, but as soon as I realise I wont calm down, I head to my closet. I change into a sportlegging, my PSG training top and trainers.

I grab my earphones, playing my running playlist before going on a run.

Unhealthy training habits my ass.

I keep running until I can barely feel my legs, and then run home.

I unlock the door to my apartment, to find that it's no longer locked and a small twist of the key is enough to open it.

Who's in here?

I swing the door open, knowing it'll probably be someone who as a key.



My parents

I remove my trainers at the door, going to my kitchen first. My body craving water after the work out I just had. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, walking to my living room.

"Pierre." I breathe, seeing my brother sitting on the couch in my living room.

"Amelie." He says, a steel look mixed with pain on his face. I hurt him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly.

"What do you think?" His eyebrows raised, he's ready to fight. "You ran out! You don't think I don't get worried when you leave like this?"

"Pierre, honestly I don't care." I say crossing my arms while taking a seat across from him. "I'm 23, I can take care of myself, I can decide for myself what to do in my winter breaks."

"I know," he fumbles with his fingers, looking down. I'm not getting any eye contact. Great. "But we're scared, scared you'll hurt yourself again. Which is why we thought it'd be good for you to join us. Two weeks completely focused on training. But in a healthy way."

"I know." I say softly. I know they were scared, they are scared. I realized that on my run. "But you can't just drop a bomb like that on me! You can't just tell me you've made plans for me, without consulting me."

"I'm sorry we did that." Pierre apologizes, his eyes looking up at me again. "I'm sorry I did that."

"It's alright. We're siblings, we look out for eachother."

"But I am serious. I would love it if you come and join us. We're leaving the day after tomorrow."

"P," I sigh. "You know I can't. Putting me and Charles in the same cabin for two weeks won't go well."

"Which is why Esteban and I are there." He says.

"And you don't think we'll have to come in between you two?" I counter, knowing the history they have, the fights that have happened.

"We talked, we should be fine. We will never be the bestest friends. But we're teammates this year, we're viewing this as team building." He explains and I nod.

"Give me tomorrow to think about this." I ask him, although I may have already made a choice. But I need to make the sane decision too, I need to sleep on this before actually deciding.

"Fine, but I'm coming over tomorrow night. We'll spend the evening together and then we'll go. Because we both know what you will choose." Pierre say. "Now let's play some FIFA." He holds up both of my XBOX controllers while starting up the game.

I love that this game made the National women's teams based on the squad I was in. So I'm actually in this game. Every chance I get to play Pierre, we play the women's teams, with me playing France. Just so I can play with my own virtual version of me.

"I win!" I cheer after winning our third game in a row.

"I'm happy you're smiling again." Pierre says giving me a tight hug.

"Ohh you didn't let me win. Please tell me you didn't let me win." I say immediately noticing that all Pierre did was trying to cheer me up.

"I played FIFA with you to cheer you up. Might have let you win the first one. But the others were all you." He admits, resulting in me shaking my head. I've got the best brother ever. Pierre then stands up, realising it's time for him to go home. "I'm coming over tomorrow night." He says before leaving my house.

I've got a decision to make.

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