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Charles POV - New Year's Eve

I close Amelie her bedroom door behind me. Letting myself fall down against it. I focus on my breathing, trying to calm myself down as much as possible.

Did she really just take off her bra right in front of me?

I can feel the blood rushing through my veins, my heart pumping rapidly in my chest.

Her appearance, how freely she acted when it was just the two of us. How close she let me come, sitting in that hot tub just the two of us. She let me draw circles on her skin, the desire to hold her close growing with every move.

But once she started to fall asleep, I managed to gather my thoughts. I couldn't let anything happen between the two of us. She has hurt Arthur so badly, I remember how heart broken he was when he had received the email. I remember how heart broken he was when she sealed the breakup by sending his things back in a box.

Up until that moment he had had the confidence that somehow they would be okay again. Right there in that moment I promised myself I could never fall for her. All while I was very aware of how dangerous Amelie could be for me.

She is everything I've ever longed for in a woman. She is sweet, caring, loves sports, ambitious. It's all I could ever dream of. She wouldn't tell me to choose between her and my career, as long as I did not give her the ultimatum. And all the while she and Arthur were together, I couldn't help but think how it would be when it was me and her.

And I realise that it is a very selfish thought of me, that I had back then. I hate myself for it. And I hate myself even more that I'm still thinking about what could be. We could never be together, it would hurt Arthur way too much. Also, there's Pierre. I don't think he'd ever speak to me if I did anything to his little sister. Those to are so close, I can barely understand their interactions sometimes. I have wished I was as close to my brothers as they are. Only to realise that the distance and differences they have is making them grow this close. It won't ever be possible for me and my brothers to be so tight knit.

I drag myself out of my thoughts, realising that I can't keep seated right here. On the floor against Amelie her door. It must be an odd sight for anyone walking into the living room.

It's far too late to do anything right now, I should actually go to bed. Sleep off the alcohol, start fresh tomorrow. Or today, depending on how you'd like to see it.

I can feel my body shiver from the cold as I stand up, the realization hitting that I'm standing here in my boxers. Panic washing over me immediately.

Pierre can definitely not come down right now.

I gather my thoughts, rushing out to the hot tub. I locate the two small puddles of clothes next to it. Leaving either of our clothes here would raise questions in the morning. I grab my clothes, as well as Amelie her dress, before making my way inside. I tip toe up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I put Amelie her dress on a hanger, knowing she'd be thankful for that later. I then hop into the shower, cleansing myself before getting a much deserved rest.

Only if my body agreed with that. It's almost 10 when I'm already awake. I barely had four hours of sleep, and yet I am wide awake. I drag myself out of bed, and into the living room.

No one is there yet, and I take that moment to inspect the garden. Making sure there are no things left there that remind of the night before. I sigh in relieve when everything is exactly how I remembered when I got to bed.

It's almost three in the afternoon when Amelie enters the livingroom. "And there we have sleeping beauty." Esteban says making all of us laugh, all of us exept for Amelie.

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