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"Are you sure I can leave you two together?" Pierre asks for confirmation, before he and Esteban are leaving for another hike. Charles and I are set to wait for Andrea so we can both get a very deserved massage.

"Yes, P. We'll be fine. I told you we talked things through."

"I know. It just seems so odd to see you two behaving like nothing happened."

"Don't worry. If anything does really happen, I'll call you." I tell him befong him out the door of the house, as Esteban is already waiting for him outside.

"Love you too, sis." He mutters just before I close the door, leaving me alone with Charles in the house.

The thought suddenly makes me feel awkward, uncertain of what is about to happen. He was just being nice, wasn't he?

"What time does Andrea arrive?" I ask Charles, while dropping down on the couch, my phone in hand.

"Thirty minutes, I think." He answers, his attention fully on his phone. I take this as the perfect time to go on and text Lila.

'I'm all alone with Charles. Help. Jk his trainer is coming over to give the both of us a well deserved massage & check up. P&Este are out the house.' - Amelie

It doesn't take long before it appears that Lila is typing, and soon after, an answer appears.

'How did you get yourself into this situation? How awkward is it?' -Lila

'That's the thing, not awkward at all. We may have talked things out this morning. And then we hugged' -Amelie

'You what? I don't believe you. What's his motive?' - Lila

'I don't think there is any.' - Amelie

I'm drawn out of my conversation by someone knocking on the door. I watch as Charles walks towards the door, opening it and letting Andrea in. "Hi," I say greeting Andrea. We have met before, when I was in the paddock, but also when visiting Arthur.

Things better not get awkward right now.

"Long time no see, Amelie." Andrea says smiling, putting his things down. "Where the heck did you guys find a villa with all these amenities?" He asks, while Charles pours him something to drink. 

"Don't know, don't want to know." I chuckle, receiving a matching chuckle in response. "Probably played the 'but I'm an F1 driver' card." 

We catch up a bit, the three of us. Before Andrea and Charles going down to the pool area, where there was a portable massage table. This house really has everything. I grab my book from the bedroom and plop down on the couch to read it. 

I haven't paid much attention to the time, but realise I've been reading for over an hour, when Charles draws my attention away from my book. "It's your turn." He says, a small smile on his face. No tension, nothing. 

"Let me change." I say to Andrea who had come up here with Charles. I quickly go into my bedroom, changing into a sports bra and football shorts, knowing he'll have all the access he'll need to have. I quickly grab one of my PSG jerseys to cover up my torso before walking out of the room. 

"Charles caught me up to speed a bit." Andrea says as I'm climbing onto the massage table. "Your knee's been bothering you?" 

"Yeah, I've torn my ACL last year. Sometimes it bothers me more than other days. But it has been hurting a lot the past two days. I think it could be because of all the time I spend in the car here." I explain. 

"Alright, I'm just gonna do some mobility movements then. You can lay on your back first, just relax." 

"Thanks." I mutter, closing my eyes trying to relax my muscles as Andrea goes to work his magic. I must admit that whatever he is doing, is definitely helping the tension to leave my muscles. 

"I think your knee should be feeling more free now. Just test it out." Andrea says after a while and I just nod. Only taking a few steps, but feeling the relieve when it feels like I can use it more freely. "Better, right?" I nod. "We can try dry needling if you want to remove the residu tension? Although I don't know if PSG is alright with that." 

"No, I think it's fine like this. I've done dry needling a few weeks back, so I shouldn't be doing that again already." I explain and Andrea just nods. "Thank you for doing this though." 

"No problem. And Amelie?" 


"I don't know what you've done to Charles, but he definitely seems less tense around you. I can only hope this means you've solved your problems? I don't know, I just prefer seeming him this carefree." Andrea says with a smile. 

What does he mean 'what I've done to Charles'? 

"We talked, I think it helped." 

"Well keep it up." He says smiling before following me upstairs, where Charles is sitting chatting with Esteban and Pierre. "Good afternoon guys." Andrea says while the both of us sit at the table with them. 

I enjoy a cup of tea, while the boys make dinner plans. All three of them very determined that Andrea should join us. 

"Well I should definitely get dressed, if we're going out for dinner." I say standing up from the table. 

As soon as I'm in my bedroom I collapse on my bed. Although everything is feeling good, I can't help but still feel some tension. And the words of Andrea seem to keep living in my head. 

Why must I always think things through. 

I get changed into jeans and a blouse, choosing to put a little bit of effort in my appearance. I'm almost finished with the small amount of makeup I wanted to put on, when a message pops up on the screen of my phone. 

'Hope the massage helped, you seemed to be walking slightly better.' - Charles 

I can feel my heart rate picking up slightly as I'm reading the message. Why would he text me about this. He could've just asked about it, right? I mean it's a normal question. I decide to answer him anyway. 

'Yeah, got some tension out of it. Feels more flexible now. Thanks again.' - Amelie

I keep it clean and easy, while I finish my hair. Going for an half up half down. I grab my personal things, before going to join the boys again at the dinner table. 

"You look good, Lie." Esteban says with a small smile, as I can see Charles looking away. 


"Thanks Este. Thought I should put a bit more effort into today's dinner." I say smiling. "I'm ready to go if you all are." I tell them and without hesitation they all get up. 

Andrea and Charles take a car together, although Charles will drive back with us after dinner. As Andrea is leaving again, which is a shame. I would've loved another massage tomorrow. 

"So how awkward was it to be alone with Charles." Esteban asks as we're driving towards the restaurant. "Did you want to kill him?" 

"Este!" I say warningly. "We talked things through. I told the both of you that right?" Both boys stay silent at that, small nods coming from the both of them. "Alright, good then. It wasn't awkward, we barely spend time together. He first went and did a small training session with Andrea and then had a massage. While I was reading in the living room. Then Andrea collected me, and the two of us did the massage. Charles was showering, and doing whatever. Nothing happened, it wasn't weird at all."

I sigh as the last words leave my lips. It wasn't awkward with Charles, there barely was any tension. And yet I can't help but feel a slight tension thinking about this afternoon. I just can't seem to be able to shake the feeling. 


So this is a little later as I had hoped. Had to take care of somethings first. 

I'm sorry for this being such a filler chapter, but I'm working towards something. 

In the meantime we did reach 1K reads, so thank you for this! 

Please keep voting and commenting! It's much appreciated. 

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