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One more push.

Just one more sprint and then the final practice of 2022 is done. The final practice of this horrible year is done. I can go and focus on next year.

Be in the starting eleven again.

Be invited for the French national team again.

Be on the World Cup stage for the first time.

I'm not letting any chance slip. Which is why I'm happy that my family is spending Christmas at my brothers house here in Paris. It's close to the facilities here at Paris Saint Germain, it's close to my own apartment. The perfect way to spend my winter break and make sure I'm the fittest I've ever been when the season restarts in February.

"Good job girls! Now go and enjoy your winter break. Schedules send to your emails." Our coach yells, a sigh of relief coming over the group. All of us happy that we're done with this for a while.

Don't get me wrong. I live for football, but every now and then it gets tough. But I think it's that way for all athletes.

I know it's like that for my brother Pierre. So at least it is like that for Formula One drivers and football players.

"What are you plans for Christmas?" I ask Jackie, one of my teammates.

"Going home for Christmas, meet up with some friends. Just the normal things for when I go home to the Netherlands." She says casually, and I nod. I wouldn't know how it is to be based in a foreign country. But I know it is harder than I can imagine, being away from family all the time.

"Oh say hi to them from me." I've met Jackie's family before, when she just joined the club and I was appointed to show her around.

"I will! Say hi to your mom from me too." She then turns around to catch a ride with Lieke Martens, another one of my Dutch teammates. The two of them probably driving back to the Netherlands together.

After a small ice bath, I take a shower in our dressing room, before collecting my stuff. The short drive to my apartment filled with a call with my best friend Lila.

"You're not coming back to Rouen? But you always come back to Rouen during Christmas." She sighs over the phone, clearly disappointed with my decision to stay in Paris.

"We're celebrating at Pierre's new house. But you could always come and visit in Paris."

"You're always training when I visit you in Paris." She sighs. "Promise it will be different if I come to visit now."

"I can't. You know my goals, I am doing everything I can to accomplish them."

Another sigh sounds at her side of the line. "Amelie, take care okay? Just training isn't healthy."

"I know." I say, before changing the subject into asking her what her plans for Christmas are. But I can't deny the pit in my stomach, feeling bad for letting my best friend down. But she just doesn't get it. She's not the high performance athlete I aim to be.

Arriving at my apartment I look at the enourmous pile of presents I had bought for my parents and brother. None of them covered with the wrapping paper, laying on my counter top.

I sigh, grabbing a pair of scissors, the rolls of wrapping paper and tape. It takes me almost an hour to wrap all the gifts and put the right name tags with them.

Once I'm done I look at the giant pile of presents underneath my Christmas three.

I am absolutely crazy for buying this many things.

I couldn't help it though, because my family supported me through my recovery last year. My ACL injury ruined me, mentally and fysically. I hit rock bottom soon though, and from there every thing was an uphill battle, but one I'm actually seeing the top of the mountain from.

I couldn't be more grateful for all they've done, and I guess this is my way of sharing. Especially now that I'm back training with the team. My goals are all back in place.

On Christmas morning I load all the presents into my car, before getting ready. I would've loved it if my parents were to agree that sweatpants and a hoodie were the go to clothes for Christmas. However, my mom thinks it's the perfect occasion for us to dress up fancy.

Like my brother and I aren't forced to that multiple times a week for sponsor dinners and such.

So I put on a purple velvet dress, just to please my mom. Opting to go with low black sneakers, because who drives in heels? Hoping my mom won't mind, but just in case, I'll put my heels into the trunk of my car.

After that I put on some make up, keeping it light and natural. It still feels silly having to dress up for people who've seen me at my worst.

Once I'm satisfied with my looks, I grab my wallet and car keys. The drive to Pierre's house is short, and Paris being quiet because of Christmas makes it even shorter.

As I park in his driveway, I notice my parents car already there. Pierre's face appears in the doorframe as I exit my car.

"Can you help me with the presents?" I ask him, opening the trunk to reveal the crazy amount of presents.

"Jeez, Lie. You didn't lie when you said you went all out." Pierre chuckles, grabbing one of the big bags with presents from my trunk.

"When did I ever lie to you?" Pierre shoots me a knowing look, right I did.

Multiple times.

Like that time last year, when I was recovering from my ACL and I decided I didn't want to keep fighting anymore. And I told anyone I was doing fine, while in reality I was starving myself.

"Fine," I huff. "You're right. But I haven't lied to you since." I try to save my point, although it's far from saving.

The day seemed to go by smoothly, although most of my family didn't seem to happy with the presents I bought them. Claiming it is what family does, and I shouldn't need to feel like I had to thank them this gracefully. I noticed the stares while dinner was served, but I ate normally. Knowing very well that in order for me to reach my goals, my body needs the nutrients.

I think I calmed them down a bit. I help Pierre load all the dishes into the dishwasher, while my parents sit in his living room. "Lie?" Pierre asks, when I'm about to leave the kitchen, to get more dishes from the dining room.


"I'm worried about you." I see the worry on his face, his words sincere. "So are mom and dad." Great, what did I do again. "We think it would be good for you to come with me, Charles and Esteban on our winter training camp."

"No." I say immediately, I'm not going on a two week training camp with him. And then there's my brother and Esteban we probably have to keep seperated. 

"This is not really negotiable, Lie."

"I'm not going." I say, walking to the dining room to get more of the dirty dishes to put into the dishwasher.

So here we go! First chapter is up 😇 hope you all like it! Please vote & comment

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