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Charles POV

"Why are my Instagram comments full of messages telling me that my sister is a bitch, untrustworthy and all kinds of things like that?" Pierre asks me and Esteban as we are munching on some lunch. Amelie is down in the gym for a zoom call with one of her trainers at PSG right now.

I stay quiet, I am well aware that I am the main reason that people are angry with Amelie. "I don't know." Esteban says, however turning his attention to me.

I sigh deeply, knowing that it's my fault. "I posted the video of us planking. Apparently she's now a traitor." I state, fumbling with my fingers.

I can't even begin to understand how difficult this must be for Amelie. I've had my fair share of hate, but I had never seen someone close to me receive this insane amount of hatred just because they were hanging out with me.

"Seriously?" Pierre asks, barely understanding the explanation I gave him.

"Well it happened after I posted it and Amelie shared it. So I think it's safe to say that that is the main reason, yes."

"Oh shit." Pierre softly mutters. "She seemed so happy these past few days, and now this is happening. What ever you did to her keep it up Leclerc. But in all honesty we should keep our eyes on her, because I am not completely sure she's strong enough to handle it on her own. Even if she wants to do it all on her own, she should know that she isn't alone in this." Esteban and I immediately agree, my heart aching as Pierre shows us more of the messages.

There's literally all kinds of messages but barely any of them are positive. There's the typical fan girls, telling her that I am not available to her. There's the die hard tifosi saying that I shouldn't be training with her and should be focusing on the season ahead. Arthur's fans decided to mix theirselves in this as well, telling her that she's a horrible person for now hanging out with me after dumping him. And lastly, there's the radicals. They're practically begging her to kill herself.

I can't even begin to understand where this is all coming from, and I thoroughly understand Pierre's almost frantic state. We all know Amelie hit rock bottom multiple times over the last year, we need to prevent that from happening.

"Let's go snowtubing again this afternoon, they do night tubing as well right?" Esteban suggest. "We could go for sushi and then snowtubing. I know she'd like that."

I almost feel bad for not suggesting this, I want to be the one that comes up with ideas to cheer her up. But I can't help to acknowledge that it is actually a good idea. "Yeah sounds good." I chime, and Pierre agrees too. Now all we need to do is wait for Amelie to return back to us, and we can all go for dinner.

It took another hour for Amelie to return back to us, her face already telling us that she had seen some of the messages. "Are you alright Lie?" Pierre asks as he sees the distroyed face of his younger sister.

"Honestly, no." She says, tears rolling over her face.

Oh, how I would like to hug her right now. Tell her that everything will be alright.

I watch as I see Amelie collapse into Pierre's arms, sobbing. We all let her cry for a bit, before I sit down next to her and Pierre. I rest my hand on her upper leg. "Lie, listen. It's just a bunch of people that don't know you. They don't know your intentions, they just know a few bits and pieces and think they can tell you whatever the hell they want. But they can't. All of us, your teammates, Lila, we know you. And we don't hate you. We care about you, please don't let them do this to you." I tell her, her eyes landing on mine while I do so.

"Thanks," she sniffs untangling herself from Pierre to give me a thight hug. "I appreciate it." A small smile appears on her face, and I can't help but give her a small smile back.

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