38: Dear My Moon

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Aiden is sitting under the tree in the garden in front of Selene's palace. 

Every night, he would come here and sit under this tree for hours, wishing she would come back. Sometimes, he even dozed off in the same spot, and he would only be aware when a new day arrived in the heavens or when his attendants came to take him back.

He promised to himself that he would wait for her.

He would die, keeping his promise.

He had asked the servants to maintain Selene's palace in its original state. He knew she would come back. 

Even though her scent was starting to fade away, she lingered in every part of his mind and soul. She was never gone. . .

He stood in the middle of the field of dandelions.  A sweet memory flashed in front of his eyes.

He was 10 years old, and she was eight. The sun was dazzling beautifully, and the sweet scent of the flowers permeated the air. He was sitting in the middle of the garden, reading a book. Selene was always too energetic, either trying to catch the butterflies or coming behind Aiden to see what he was reading. She would run around and pick up a flower, giving it to him, her laughter sounding in his ears like music.

She came, carrying a dandelion, smiling widely, and sat beside him.

"What did you bring this time?" He put his book down and gazed at her. 

She gave a toothy smile and showed him the dandelion. "Mama said whenever you make a wish on a dandelion, they will come true."



She closed her eyes and blew the dandelion, the seeds floating away.

"What wish did you make?" Aiden asked, smiling.

"That I will marry you one day!" She grinned.

"Silly, you do not think about marrying when you are so young," Aiden tapped her nose. "And still, one day, you will have your own soulmate who will whisk you away."

The thought of that made his chest tighten, though he shrugged it off.

"Really? You will whisk me away?" She blinked her eyes rapidly.

"I said your soulmate will."

A stubborn expression overtook her face and he knew that look all too well. It meant that she wasn't going to budge.

"Then, you are my soulmate, Aiden. I don't care. You are my soulmate, and you will marry me one day."

"The Fates don't work like that," Aiden sighed. Though he was just ten, he had a basic perception of the fates and soulmates from the books he read.

"Then, they are not doing their work very well." She shook her head. "And I still don't care. They can't stop me. I am Selene."

He chuckled. 

She looked up at him, eyes sparkling. "But will you marry me when the time comes?"

Aiden stared into her pleading eyes and found himself unable to say no.

"Yes, I will marry you," He ruffled her hair. "You better not forget it."

She grinned so widely, making his heart thump louder against his ribcage. 

Infernal Roses | Kim Taehyung|  ✓Where stories live. Discover now