26: The Monster Was Born

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Taehyung stares as Lily cradles the three baby Phoenixes in her arms, her eyes holding breath-taking adoration. The sun's rays stream inside through the open window. The breeze blowing gently whips at her hair. Lily is smiling down at her three daughters and she looks so beautiful, the sun lighting up her whole face that Taehyung pauses to stare. His heart beats louder against his chest. 

"Darling," He calls and Lily looks up, her whole face brightening up even more. Taehyung still can't get used to someone feeling happy in his presence.

Lily hadn't wanted to take her newborn daughters to the Palace. She had said that the time wasn't right for them to be declared to the world. She was right. The phoenixes needed to grow more powerful. There would be thousands of people coveting their power. Taehyung knows for a fact that many people have been wanting Sirius for themselves. 

So, Taehyung had taken her through an underground passage to a hide-out. This secluded little cottage was hidden deep in the woods of hell. The cottage has been forged with the power of invisibility. Once the door gets locked from the inside, the cottage disappears as if it had never been there. Likewise, no one really ventured to the woods because it had thick thorny hedges and if one didn't know how to get through it, they would die an untimely death. A perfect place for Lily to take care of her daughters for now.

"Taehyung, can you please come here?" Taehyung sits down beside her and Lily gives one of the baby birds to him. Taehyung takes the bird gently, careful not to hurt the newborn. The birds, though their feathers are crimson-colored resembling the fire within them are yet to grow up to summon their powers. At the rate these birds grow, Taehyung is sure they will grow up to their full maturity within days.

"I thought of names," Lily says, giddy with excitement. 

"And what did you think?" Taehyung asks.

"This little one is Andromeda. One of the nearest galaxies to Earth. She was also a princess in greek mythology," She caresses their heads gently. "And her name is Artemis. The Goddess of the hunt."

"Beautiful names," Taehyung replies and holds out the baby bird in his hand. "And hers?"

"I want you to name her," Lily mumbles.

"Me?" Taehyung asks, surprised. To name a powerful creature such as a Phoenix is an honor beyond words.

"Of course.  Because of you, I have been united with them. If you hadn't come into my life, I would have never met them," Lily murmurs quietly.

Taehyung smiles. He smiles a lot in her presence. "I am honored, darling."

He pauses, thinking for some seconds, and lifts the baby bird, gazing into those fiery depths. "Her name will be Athena, the Goddess of War."

Lily's lips curve to a smile and Taehyung feels like he is falling all over. He is always drawn to her like a magnet, unable to look away from her for even a second.

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