37: God's Finest Creation

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Warning: This chapter contains some mature content<3

Peace had settled in all the realms after the war.

There had been discussions about the eight fortresses of the heavens that were conquered and if hell would take them now, but the King and Queen of hell didn't want any more burden on their shoulders and returned the territory back to the heavens. The heavens had been skeptical about their motives, especially Lord Kim's. It would forever be a hard pill for them to swallow that he hardly cares for anyone and anything else but his wife.

 Aiden was going to be crowned as the Emperor of the heavens soon. Before that, he had wanted to spend time with his only family in the world. He had asked Lily if she would come to the heavens where they could see the life of their father as a God and also tour the heavens. 

She had been curious and begrudgingly, Taehyung sent her away to the heavens for a week. Though she was the Queen of hell, she was also a part goddess and she had every right to be in the heavens like the other demigod and demigoddess.

Taehyung was itching to go and bring her back but he was drowned in paperwork and duties. Good lord, he missed his wife.

He had given Jimin a well-deserved three-month-long vacation. The man had disappeared right away the next day, looking euphoric. He was practically vibrating with joy. 

Seokjin had stepped up in Jimin's place, as his right-hand man for the time being. The man was bored to death doing nothing and Seokjin found that he liked attending the court because he loved seeing stupid people fight with each other and also charm the wits out of them.

Yoongi had expressly said not to bother him until the next war.

So, Taehyung was all alone in his office doing boring paperwork. 

There is a knock on the door that snaps Taehyung out of his not-so-jovial thoughts.

"Enter," Taehyung commands.

A servant steps inside, bowing. "Your Majesty, the Queen has returned from her-----"

Taehyung immediately stands up. "She is back?!"

The servant stammers, shocked at how the dark clouds around the King for the past week have completely disappeared. "Y-Yes, my lord. She is currently resting at your shared private quarters-----"

The servant hasn't even finished speaking and Taehyung has already disappeared into thin air.

"My lord?"

The servant looks left and right.

"My lord, are you there?" 

He looks around for an answer, heaves a long sigh, and closes the door.


Lily had just been to their bedroom. It hadn't even been five minutes when Taehyung suddenly appeared out of nowhere, scaring the living lights out of her.

"Taehyung---" She gasps, placing a hand in her fast-pacing heart.

"I missed you." He comes barreling towards her and buries his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, feeling finally at ease. He had been so worried. He hadn't wanted to send her to the heavens, especially considering how everyone there loathes him and wishes to ruin everything that he has. But he also knew he had nothing to fear. They would be fools if they thought they could harm Lily, not when she singlehandedly brought a stop to the war and when her daughters follow her everywhere she goes.

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