27: The True Heir

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A hood covers  Taehyung's face, his long cloak dragging on the floor as he makes his way through the familiar corridors where he had spent his entire childhood. A wry smile curves his lips. This place will never change. Even after 15 years, it manages to torment Taehyung in a way that he hadn't known possible.

The hallways are desolate and Taehyung knows the reason why. The war between heaven and hell occurred in the years when he was gone and from what he has heard, his father has been gravely injured. Taehyung ought to pay his father a visit as his obedient son, oughtn't he?

Taehyung stops outside his father's chambers. There are guards stationed outside. Pests. This is going to be fun. 

The guards cautiously watch the man in the hood, taking their swords out from their hilts. They point their swords at the newcomer. "Who the hell are you?! And how dare you appear like this in front of our King's living quarters?!"

There is a ghost of a smile on the man's lips, one which makes everyone's skin crawl from fear.

Something about this man. The air is so heavy around him. Dark, evil, and sinister.

It leaves an ominous feeling in the pits of their stomach.

"How dare I?" The man chuckles lowly and drops his hood down from his face.

Everyone freezes at the sight of the man, their eyes bulging in trepidation and shock.

"Y-Your Highness . . .!"

"After 15 years----H-How? W-Weren't you dead?"

It had long spread in hell that the powerful Crown Prince of hell had disappeared after last being spotted near the Devil Peak. Everyone had said he had gone for the battle of evil, to seek more powers and his greed would eventually be the cause of his death.

After 15 years, no one had expected the same man to be standing right in front of them. But there was something so different about him. The Crown Prince before had a distinctive light in his eyes, a softness to his features despite his ominous powers. He had never gone out of his way to harm anyone for fun.

But this man--This man had no light in his eyes. They were murky depths of black, emptiness, and void.  There was no softness in his features. Everything about him was sharp. The steely glint in his eyes, a jaw that could cut stones. Something about his aura said that if he wanted something, he would get it by burning everything down in his path.

"Move out of my way," Taehyung commands sharply.

The guards detect the blaring sounds of danger. "I am afraid we can't let you in, Your Highness. His Majesty is in a weak state and is resting."

"And do you think I give a fuck about that? Move out of my way before my patience runs thin," Taehyung drawls, raising his brow. "And my patience has never been remarkable."

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