24: Hello Brother

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Once in a blue moon

The monster becomes weak

The monster becomes weak

His back bloody and carved

In places where there were supposed to be wings

The monster will be slain

And the hero shall arise

And The world will be mine

Rightfully mine

A cold wind blows in the dark room. From the window, the moonlight spills inside the place. A person sings a poem in the shadows, the melody haunting and bringing chills in the backs of the others present. His eyes glitter in the dark dangerously.

The creepy poem isn't the scary part. What's scary about him is how he keeps singing the verse as he carves out the wings of a dead bird with his knife.

His hands are covered in blood and he grins as the moonlight spills on his face.

"Master," A person from the shadows steps forward. "We have news."

"Did you bring me her portrait?" He asks.

"Yes, master. "

"Show me."

The person snaps his fingers and two guards step out of the shadows, carrying a long scroll. They quickly undo the scroll and the moonlight spills on the face of the painting. The man pauses his work and casts a long, long glance at the figure.

"Beautiful. Utterly beautiful. The moon would pale in comparison to her beauty," The man stands up from his chair, tossing away the dead bird. With his bloody hands, he touches the face of the painting. "Fit to be a Queen."

He lets out a chuckle. "Tsk. Tsk. Kim Taehyung. Always one lucky fucker."

"Master. Do you plan on taking her?"

"Ah, not now. First, I will have to finish our long overdue plan. I have been waiting for years for this." He glances at the feathers of the bird pooling on the floor. "Kim Taehyung's downfall."

"Master, but Kim Taehyung isn't alone now. He has her. She commands a phoenix, my lord."


"He is protected. More than he has ever been," The servant mutters.

The person lightly pats the cheeks of his good servant. "Do you think that will stop me?"

The servant looks down, quivering. "No, my lord."

"Bring me another bird." He orders, playing with the knife. 

"Once in a blue moon

 The monster becomes weak

The monster becomes weak"

His voice continues to echo in the dark.


"Taehyung. Hells, help me! I have a lot of work to do! Why have you called me?!" Jimin yells, walking inside Taehyung's study chamber.

He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Yoongi, Jungkook, Grand Master Hoseok, Seokjin, and Namjoon present inside along with Taehyung. Basically, everyone is here.

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