36: Hunt the Gods down

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Lily is glancing at Taehyung with confusion when they cross the border between hell and Earth and step into the land of the mortals. What could he possibly want to show her here?

"Close your eyes," Taehyung murmurs, pressing her body close against his, his arms wrapping around her waist.

She does and for the next few seconds, she feels like she is floating.

"You can open them," He whispers in her ear, the warmth making tingles blaze her skin.

When she opens them, her breath gets knocked out of her lungs.

Beautiful waves of light dance all around them, sucking her in, completely captivating her.

Her feet crunch the snow on the ground as she takes in the enthralling sight, absolutely in awe.

He brought her here.

To show her the northern lights.

The Aurora Borealis.

Even when she had lived her days as a human, she had dreamt of going to see these lights.

The lights dazzle so beautifully, so brightly that she feels like she has stepped into a whole new universe. There is no sight of any houses, just land wholly covered in thick snow for miles. The temperature must be frigid here but since she holds fire within her, it doesn't feel cold at all.

"This is absolutely beautiful," She whispers, eyes stinging with tears, emotions clawing at her throat.

Taehyung isn't looking at the lights.

He is staring at her, eyes soft as he answers, "Yes. Absolutely beautiful."

It makes a flock of butterflies go wild in her stomach.

"I used to come here a lot," Taehyung stares far off into the distance. "To watch these lights and fly underneath them."

His eyes look distant. "After he took away my wings, I never dared to come here again. I was scared it would remind me too much of all the things that I lost. But coming back here with you now only reminds me of all the things that I have. You. My entire world."

It makes her heart crack. And for the millionth time, she wishes the late king could come alive once again and she could have the satisfaction of killing him.

"Thank you. Thank you for bringing me here," She leans her forehead against his. "I know this isn't easy for you."

"You deserve so much better," Taehyung gently traces her cheek with his thumb. "Sometimes, I wonder how you could willingly choose me. Sometimes, I wonder if I should let you go."

It sends a rush of anger so quickly in her veins that she immediately cuts him off, eyes blazing. "Never. You will never do such a thing. I forbid you."

A small smile curls on his lips. "Darling, I am too selfish to ever let you go despite knowing that you deserve better."

"I don't care if I deserve better because I want you. I need you. There would be nothing better than you because I love you."

Taehyung's breath stills. 

He looks frozen for a second, a myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes.

But that was out finally. The three words she had been wanting to say to him since forever.

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