12: One step closer

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"I heard her parents died in the accident."


"Yeah. My mama is the English teacher and the other teachers told her."

"She doesn't even speak to anyone."

Lily sits on the bench alone on the school playground.  She swings her leg back and forth wishing that the time would pass faster. Her eyes longingly dart to the school playground where her classmates are playing. She hasn't made any friends. Not when no one seems to want to come closer to her.

She stares at her bandaged hand, which still throbs even after months of that accident. She looks up at the sky, wondering if her mama and papa were happy when she wasn't. The sister in the orphanage always tries to cheer her up but it's futile.

Her words do not come out. Her eyes start stinging with tears and her throat closes up on itself when she tries to speak.

The nurse says it's because of the shock and it will get better soon. But she doesn't know when.

A ball comes rolling in front of her and stops near her feet. Three of her classmates stop and stare at her. She picks up the ball and walks to them.

But they immediately run away, not wanting to be in her presence.

"I heard she killed her parents."

"She doesn't have anyone. My mother said not to be near her."

"She was a curse to her family. What if she makes us unlucky too?"

"What if she kills us too?"

"She was bad luck to her parents."

The scene changes from the playground to the storage room of the high school.

This time, Lily is sitting on the ground, slumped in one corner while there are four other girls in front of her.

"Seriously, even seeing her face makes my whole day unlucky," A girl rolls her eyes.

"Why don't you get lost from here, you bitch?!" Another one glares at her.

"Who told you that you can be at the cafeteria? Always looking so damn pitiful. You fucking disgust me."

Lily doesn't utter a word. She knows they just want a reaction out of her.

Suddenly, someone grabs her wrist tightly.

A sharp pain shoots up her hand and it makes it worse because it's her scarred wrist. She shrinks further back, trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Don't--Don't touch my hand, please. . ." Her breathing comes short, eyes burning with tears.

"What will you do, huh?" One girl lets out a laugh. She looks at the others with an evil glint in her eyes. "Let's lock her up in the closet!"

Infernal Roses | Kim Taehyung|  ✓Where stories live. Discover now