29: Memories of the Powerful Slave

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"Ares! Little Ares! Where are you hiding, baby?"  The voice of his mama caused Ares to giggle. He covered his mouth with his fingers, to suppress his laughs lest his mama heard it and found his hiding place.

Hide and seek.

Ares loved playing hide and seek. 

They lived in this tall castle in the north, where winter was always imminent. Asides from around 10 servants, and his mama, Ares had never seen another person in this place. The castle was hidden deep in the woods and his mama would always warn him to never venture into those dark woods.

His mother used to say that outside those gigantic conifer trees, there was an entire world, of bloodthirsty savages, worse than the monsters written in the books his mother would talk about.

His mother would have to leave the castle every now and then. Sometimes, she would take days to return back. Sometimes, it would take weeks.

Ares always used to wish for his mama to return back to him safe and sound, unharmed by any of those bloodthirsty savages.

Ares had never known his father.

He had once asked his mother and her entire expression had become stiff. He always ever saw smiles and laughter in his mother's eyes. So, when she had changed the subject immediately, he had understood that he was never to mention that man again.

On his 10th birthday, his mama finally let him out of the castle. She had said that it was time for him to see the outside world. His whole face had been covered with a mask and his mama had even draped a cloak over his shoulders. Mama had warned him not to show his face to anyone. Mama had always talked about the bloodthirsty monsters in the outside world but when he had seen people like himself, little demons, devils, playing around in the lively bazaar, vendors selling tasty delicacies, he had wondered why his mama had said so.

His mama took him to this grand palace that had him gaping his mouth like a fish. It was so grand, so majestic. Unlike anything that he had ever seen.

She had taken him to this large room. It was a study like they had in their home as well. 

"This is the study of your father, Ares. The study of the King of hell," His mama had whispered in his ear. "You are here to meet your father."

Ares had taken in the information with a bewildered look on his face. His father was a King?  That made him a prince, then, did it not? Ares had wished his mother had notified him earlier about this meeting. He wasn't ready to meet his father.

The door to the study opened and his father stepped inside.

Stormy and shrewd eyes, sharp face. 

There wasn't a hint of warmth on his face.

He had taken a good look at Ares and his father's first words to him had been, "Get out of the room, boy. I need to talk to your mother."

Ares had obeyed, taking one glance at his mother's face. She looked very tense.

Ares walked out of the room but left a small gap in the door so that he could listen to their words. His mama had taught him that eavesdropping was rude but he wanted to know what his father thought of him.

Infernal Roses | Kim Taehyung|  ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora