32: The Love of a Villain

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"For her invaluable contribution to this war, High-goddess and the Princess of heavens, Selene, will be forever respected and remembered in our hearts. Her sacrifice will not be forgotten. The statue of the goddess will be built in the Southern fortress, where she gave up her life. She will be forever worshipped as the strongest warrior in the heavens."

The Emperor finishes reading his decree. The celestial beings are present in the gathering to mourn the loss of the Goddess. They are teary-eyed, letting out quiet sniffles. Selene performed the soul eruption attack, and with her final attack, she was able to protect the Southern fortress. Almost all of the army from Ares's side who were present in the Southern fortress were vanquished. It was a huge blow to Ares and he hasn't been able to recover from it yet.

"Where's Aiden?" The Goddess of love inquires one of the deities.

"He hasn't left the Southern fortress since that day." They whisper.

"We need to go and check on him." She murmurs, concerned for his well-being.

The other deities nod their affirmation. After the gathering is over, they leave for the Southern fortress together.

When they reach the Southern fortress, they can only see the devastating remains of the war. The visibility is poor, a thick fog of smoke covering the whole place.

They start searching for Aiden among the rubble. Fire burns in some places, still not extinguished.

The Goddess's gaze lands on a lone figure, kneeling on the ground surrounded by wreckage. She walks closer, her heart tearing apart. Aiden's face is smeared with dirt and soot, and his clothes are all rumpled and messy. His hands are burnt, clenched in fists as if he had searched high and low through these ruins using his own hands. He is so out of it that he hasn't even tried to heal himself. Fire is burning only some distance far from him, yet he remains unfazed. With one glance, she can feel his devastation. He is mourning.

There is no greater pain in this world than losing a loved one.

"Aiden," She calls the boy gently. She had seen him grow up with Selene. And she knew he loved her to death.

He doesn't respond, doesn't even stir. 

"Aiden. Come back home, Eighth Prince." She stands in front of him, and gently caresses his face.

His expression morphs from blank and stoic to a shattered one. Tears well up in his eyes. He closes his eyes, and the drops of pristine tears of a God fall on the ground as he mourns over the death of his lover.

"H-Home?" His voice is scratchy, hoarse. "I am home. . . here. . . With Selene."

". . . .She is gone, Aiden."

"No, she isn't," He shakes his head, his voice breaking with every word. "I told her I would wait for her in her garden after the war ends. We have so much to do. I have to tell her that I love her so much that it drives me insane.  I have to take her to these museums and palaces on Earth and I will watch her marvel at the architecture because she loves everything about it. I have to dance with her at every ball and  I have to hold her hand because I had never allowed myself to before and I have to kiss her and love her. God, there's so much to do and I-I can't--- She is coming back to me. She has to."

"Tell me this isn't over, please. . . "  Aiden implores. "Please."

"She will come back, Aiden. After her soul heals and becomes whole again, she will come back to you," The Goddess whispers, though she knows giving him hope was futile. 

Infernal Roses | Kim Taehyung|  ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora