2: Different

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Taehyung had just turned 4 years old when he had learned that he was different from others.

A very young age for someone to even learn the concept of anything other than childish tantrums and playfulness.

He had been running around the Palace, trying to flee from the governess who came to teach him alphabets, numbers, history, and other things.

He didn't like sitting idly in one place for hours. His mind wouldn't even be focused on the lessons with the way it would go wild every time, thinking about anything but the lessons. He liked to play with Tan and run with him.

Tan was referred to as Cerberus by the others. But Taehyung liked to call the hound, Tan. It was his only friend and frankly speaking, he found the other name difficult to pronounce.

Today, as usual, he had fled away from his study chamber. 

There was just something about the governess. She would always be so pale whenever she was near him. If he moved even an inch, she would flinch. He always felt scared around her, as if he was a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. Taehyung didn't like what he saw in her eyes.

Later, he learns that it was fear. Later, he will learn to wield it as his strongest weapon.

Taehyung stopped short when he arrived at one corner. There was a woman and two little kids just around his age, with her.

He hid behind the pillar and observed them quietly.

The woman giggled as she ruffled the hair of the two kids. A boy looked up to her, eyes shining with joy, and called her "Mother".

"Mother. . ."  Taehyung tested that foreign word on his tongue. He felt warm looking at the trio and longing filled his bones. He realized that he also wanted to have a mother. He also wanted someone to look at him, with those bright eyes and ruffle his hair affectionately.

He quietly stepped out of the pillar and approached them. As soon as the woman saw him, her face paled, turning white just like the governess. Taehyung again felt as if he had done something wrong. He didn't like it. He didn't like those fearful eyes.

The woman tugged her two kids and pulled them behind her. "Y-Your Highness." She bowed. Seeing their mother, the two kids followed her suit and bowed to him.

"What are you doing in the hallways, Your Highness? Isn't it time for your lessons? " She inquired politely.

He felt ashamed to say that he had fled once again. Changing the topic, he said, "I want to play with them."

The woman stared at him, looking alarmed. "Joon and Jimin have classes, Your Highness. They need to attend it. You should also get back to your study chamber."

"But Mama, lessons don't start till---", One of the boys was speaking but the woman interrupted him sharply. "Quiet."

Before he could say another word, the woman hurried away with the kids, as if it was suffocating to stay near Taehyung for some moments more. Taehyung felt unhappy but didn't say anything else.

He stood there silently for some time. The governess found him after a while. Before she had the chance to question him, he asked her. "Madam, what is a mother?"

The governess froze hearing his question but answered slowly. "A mother is someone who gives birth to you."

"Do I also have a mother?" Taehyung asked, blinking his eyes rapidly. Why hadn't he seen his mother yet then?

"Your Highness. . ."  The governess looked at him with pitiful eyes.

"I also want to have a mother," Taehyung said adamantly. For someone like him; the revered Crown Prince of Hell, who had hundreds of maids and servants to be at his beck and call. . . .it couldn't possibly be hard to find his mother, right?

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