57. temptation is a bitch

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Lila likes the color purple, even more so when Luke wears it.

She thinks chocolate chip cookie dough tastes better without the chocolate chips. If you tell her to eat sugar cookie dough instead, she will laugh in your face. They do not taste the same.

She falls asleep every night in one of Luke's shirts, the right side of the bed used to be the one she'd sleep on. Now she takes the side furthest from the door.

She is the only girl who has spent the night with Luke. The only girl to sleep in his bed, the only girl who will ever sleep beside him.

If there is a pretty sunset, she will not be paying attention to a word you say until it's gone. She looks at the things she loves with stars in her eyes.

She hates painting with watercolors. But if it's all she has, she puts her heart into it.

She has a kind soul. If she's hurt or sad or angry, someone has done something wrong.

She can find a way to cry during any TV show. Luke teased her about it once, so she put on a scary movie and laughed when he got scared.

She enjoys dancing in the kitchen and jumping in puddles. She romanticizes the little things.

She loves people, beaches. She loves life.

And, most importantly, she loves Luke.

He was never the type to learn useless facts about people, never found anyone interesting enough to really get to know.

But as he watches Lila drown her waffles in syrup like her life depends on it, he can't think of a time he didn't know her.

He knows why the glass of orange juice beside her has gone untouched; because she doesn't like the pulp, and because he knows that, he switches their glasses and basks at the way her eyes light up when she spots the cup of apple juice.

This is how they had conversations now, a loaded gaze or a silent smile shared between two souls who wanted to give each other the world but sometimes.... all you could really give them was apple juice.

"Thanks for letting us stay here for the past few nights." Calum says in between bites of his breakfast.

The group is gathered at a table, enjoying their breakfast at the dive bar before they hit the road.

Billy wears an appreciative grin. "Don't mention it. Spending some time with you assholes is always a pleasure."

Spending time was a loose term for gambling them out of five hundred bucks. If a Hemmings ever tells you they can't play poker, it's a fucking lie.

"Where's Cathy?" Billy's wife. "Haven't seen her in a while. You two still having problems?"

"No. Nothing like that. Don't think she and I have had a single argument since I told Andrew to fuck outta my life. She's been in Cali visiting her folks."

"That's nice," Calum muses. "Must suck when someone you've practically grown up with turns out to be a piece of shit like that. I guess it runs in the family."

Luke grinds his jaw, then excuses himself to finish packing. Lila stands up to follow him in hopes of stealing a moment alone with him, but he doesn't bite.

Calum has really buckled down since their first night here, and Luke has hardly given her a glance after their run from the police.

He's halfway across the bar before she can even push her chair in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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