25. orgasm

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"Looks like we're stuck."

"Stuck as in momentarily immobile but we'll be moving soon?"

"Stuck as in get out there and start pushing."

Lila, baffled, looks around the parking lot. "Everyone is gone! How are we the only ones stuck?"

"The people who live in this town are probably used to the weather and have four-wheel drive. Unlike us." Calum calmly explains as he exits the car. The way he slams the door tells Lila he isn't happy about their predicament.

Luke follows suit, opening his door and craning his  neck to see just how stuck the car is. "Fuck, Calum, you're going to have to walk for a bit and see if you can find a hotel or something."

The dark-haired boy feigns shock. "Why me?" Though he figures it's the only reasonable solution. Luke wouldn't leave his car and neither boy fancied the idea of Lila going off in search of lodging by herself.

"I'll call if I find something." Calum grumbles, his feet sloshing with each step he takes until he's out of sight.

"Help me push." Luke demands, leaving no room for the poor girl to argue.

The rain has slowed to a steady trickle. Lila scrambles to get out of the car as Luke is already standing behind it ready to push.

"Alright, you ready? One, Two.... Three."

They both push at the same time, the car budges slightly but not nearly enough.

"Gah... keep... going. Dig, Luke. Dig."

They continue pushing and it moves some more.

"Harder, Luke. Harder."

"Don't say it like that." The boy grunts out as the car moves a little.

"We're doing it! Harder, just like that."

"Fucking hell."

Another budge.

"Oh my God, yes!"

"Stop sounding like you're having a fucking orgasm." He shouts just as the car slips free.

"Gah, yes!" Lila screams right as the car careens out of their hands. Entirely too thrilled, she clasps her hands together and cheers for their valiant efforts, but it's short lived once Luke starts yelling at her.

"The brakes! Lila, the brakes."

"Oh, fuck." She lunges forward and would you believe it... slips in the mud. Instead of catching the car as it rolls forward, Lila falls face first into the mix of water, gravel and dirt. The car falls right into a ditch.

"Motherfucker," Luke curses. He starts off towards his car, then hesitates and helps Lila get to her feet first. Luckily, she spared her face from the mud. She squeals distastefully as she looks down at her outfit, hands shaking and marked from digging into the gravel.

She clears her throat. "Uh, any chance you think we can push your car out of the ditch?"

"No," The boy says, exasperated. "We'll have to leave it for the night and call a tow truck tomorrow." He'd laugh at how utterly ridiculous Lila looked if he wasn't so annoyed.

Lila's face twists in disgust. "Ugh. I feel like a wet noodle." She shakes her legs and arms, trying to get rid of the excess water and grime.

"Stop flailing, you've got dirt in your hair."

She really didn't.

Luke weaves his fingers through the brown and purple strands, detangling the knots as Lila's eyes flutter shut. She lets out a half moan as his fingers work their way through her hair.

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