10. i hate you

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Lila asked Luke three questions during their night together. Her voice was gentle, barely floating towards Luke from her spot on the floor. He couldn't remember the last time someone genuinely wanted to know something about him with no plans of using it against him.

The questions were surface level. What are your parents like? What's your favorite color? What makes you happy?

His answers were vague. Dead to me. Black. Nothing.

He still cared for his mother despite not seeing her for over a decade. She had to get out, he understood that more than anyone. Lila, however, didn't need to know the personal details.

If you asked Luke about the small, minuscule, barely even there tug of his heart strings, he'd deny it and assume you were making shit up.

Because Luke Hemmings barely has a heart. Let alone a heart that feels like that when a pretty girl asks him questions because she sincerely wants to know about his life. Nope. No way.

Just as soon as he felt it, it was gone. That warm, mushy feeling he despised was, like his father, dead to him.

. . .

Grab the knife. Unlock the door. Run.

Grab the knife. Unlock the door. Run.

Lila kept repeating those words inside of her head. The bright red digital numbers on the clock read 1:16 and the loud, constant hum of the a/c unit was keeping her wide awake, while Luke had been passed out for hours.

Lila had been tossing and turning and borderline freezing to death after Luke turned the air conditioning down to sixty-eight degrees. Psychopath.

If he could sleep through the chattering of her teeth, Lila was optimistic he could sleep through the door opening.

Now, has Lila learned anything from her first escape plan. Of course she has.

Watch out for anything that could cause bodily harm, don't be clumsy.

Unfortunately for our main gal, when you live a life like Luke Hemmings, sleep doesn't come easily, or for very long.

Lila has severely underestimated these boys. Maybe if she spent less time checking Luke out, she would've noticed that he swiped the knife under her pillow while she was distracted by the candy.

He hears her pacing the room, mumbling to herself. He's alert, on edge, ready to pounce the second she tries to leave.

He can tell she's contemplating if she should leave unarmed. Luke wonders if her desire to get the hell out of here is stronger than her desire to not get hurt.

It is, of course it is.

He's also curious if she'll notice he placed the knife on the small table in the room. He wanted to rattle her, test her.

An unarmed Lila is the equivalent of a fly. Generally pesky and annoying, but completely harmless.

Lila with a knife would be bumped to a bumble bee. Still annoying, but only to those who know her know she wouldn't hurt anyone, weapon or not.

The thought of her with a knife didn't frighten him, not even a little bit. The only time he would ever be scared of this girl is if she had a loaded gun to his head and had a hell of a good aim.

Luke wanted to give her hope, only so he could watch it bleed from her eyes as he ripped it away from her. She would only get away if she killed him.

And we all know she would never do that.

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