31. jealous

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"Why do I always need a babysitter?" Lila sighs, trying to focus on her Grey's Anatomy episode.

Ashton offers her a slice of pizza, sensing her sour mood from being left out. "Calum and Luke can handle it by themselves, so there was no need for the three of us to go."

"It's boring shit anyways babe. They track down the guy, kill him, and leave. Nothing special," Michael says.

The boys were hitmen for the night, accepting a quick job to kill someone for petty cash. Lila didn't like being left behind, she worried too much. At least if she was with them, she would know what was going on.

She couldn't shake the nerves, even though she knows Luke and Calum are more than capable of handling themselves.

"Hey, Ash?" Lila pulls her eyes from the television. 'You were a surgeon right?"

"A surgical intern. First year."

The girl nods. "So you know lots of cool medical terms? The Grey's Anatomy lingo?"

"Sure do," he responds with a light chuckle. He tends to stay away from medical dramas as they don't portray everything correctly and it gets under his skin.

"Can I quiz you? I need to learn a few things if I'm gonna be saving some lives."

Ashton's eyebrows raise slightly. "You'll be saving lives?"

"I might be." She takes a bite of her pizza. "I've got pretty savvy hands and I already know what a ten-blade is."

The brunette can't help but smile. The others have never been too keen on taking advantage of Ashton's medical background. "Alright, quiz me."

"I'll go first," Michael chimes in, leaning forward until his hands are resting on his knees. "What's the point of a ten-blade? Why can't they just use a carving knife or some shit?"

Ashton and Lila exchange a short glance, laughter threatening to spill once their eyes meet.

"Why don't I just ask the questions, buddy." Lila pats Michael's thigh with a grin. "First up, what's v-fib?"

After clearing his throat, Ashton gives the answer with ease. His friends seem eager to soak in what he says, happy to be sitting here listening to him ramble about things they most likely don't understand. It makes his insides buzz with content.

"A plus." Lila claps. "Mkay, here's an easy one, what are the signs of a concussion?"

"Headache, duh. Plus nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light or noise, confusion. There's more but those are just the most common ones."

They go back and forth like this until the episode is over, and Lila has a deeper admiration for him. "I've come to the conclusion that the boys would literally be dead without you, Ash."

He appreciates the recognition as Lila continues speaking. "Maybe you'll get to save my life one day, how exciting."

"Let's hope I don't have to do that. I think the goal is to keep you as far away from the violence as possible. Your body isn't used to the wear and tear, you'd go down a lot easier."

Saving a life isn't as glorified as it is in the movies. It's traumatizing for all parties involved, and it's messy as fuck. When you practice medicine in a gang, there are a lot of luxuries you have to learn to live without. Proper tools, anesthetic and medication are only a few.

Keeping someone from dying is already a challenge in itself, but without the right equipment it's like a challenge wrapped in a puzzle and dipped into a riddle. Damn near impossible.

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