06. praise kink

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"Hey, wake up." Lila feels a nudge against her side. She's too tired to move, having gotten back early this morning and being unable to fall asleep due to the fear Luke instilled in her.

She mumbles a few incoherent words before turning over.

All of a sudden, she is pulled up by her arms, a groan coming from her lops as she's forced to stand and open her eyes.

Calum stares back at her, impatiently tapping his foot.

"What happened to your face?" The girl blurts out, mouth slightly open at the sight of a few bruises decorating Calum's cheek.

"You happened. Pretty sure your one and only rule was to not get fucking caught." Calum snaps at her, watching as she shrinks back with a frown.

"You guys sent me out there with no preparation, I had no idea what I was getting myself into–"

"Just say you're incapable of completing a simple task and shut up." The boy grips her arm and begins dragging her towards the stairs.

"Oh right. The simple task only I could do because you three were too scared to do it." She argues, frustrated that Calum is placing all of the blame on her.

"Unless you want your face to look like ours, I suggest you stop talking."

Lila clamps her mouth shut, knowing he's got a good point. If Luke was able to do this to his closest friends, who knows what he would do to a girl he basically hates.

She's brought to the kitchen, utterly shocked that it's sunny outside.

She can't help but smile, only wishing she had her art supplies so she could capture the way the sun pours into the room.

Unfortunately, Luke sent her straight downstairs when they got back. She assumed the other boys wouldn't come see her for a while, especially if Luke saw them first.

"What's going on?" The dark-haired girl asks upon seeing the four boys shuffling around like mad men.

"We're leaving." Luke says quickly.

Each boy carries two bags. She feels a body behind her and is gently nudged forward.

"Don't say anything for right now. You can ride with me and I'll do my best to explain." Ashton says. He offers her a small smile as she's pushed outside.

Such a sweetheart. This is why you're my second favorite.

She sees two vehicles in the driveway. Luke's Camaro and a black Jeep.

"Is it okay if the girl rides with me and Michael?"

Luke pauses, bringing his black sunglasses down to rest on his nose. "Are you capable of not letting her out of your sight this time?" He speaks with sarcasm, still annoyed with last night's events.

"Yes, sir." Michael speaks, nodding with a smile and a quick salute before opening the back door of the Jeep for Lila.

The two cars are on the road shortly after, with Luke and Calum leading the way.

The two friends mumble to themselves for a while, before Michael turns around with a grin plastered on his face.

"You're pretty happy for a guy who got beat up last night." Lila states, giggling as Michael rolls his eyes.

"What, this?" He points to a small bruise on his cheek. "Barely even hurt. Luke went easy on me."

These two didn't blame her for what happened like Calum did, and she was thankful for it. She felt bad enough after seeing what Luke did to them.

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