11. innocence

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With much regret, Lila realized that these boys were morning people.

And by morning people, she meant people who could function off two hours of sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to go by three in the morning. Luke had shunned her to Michael's room not even two full hours ago. Hell, it didn't even look like Luke slept. Which is extremely unfair considering he still looked like sex on a stick.

Lila was definitely not a morning person. She needed a good hour or two to drink coffee and prepare to even get ready for the day. Michael brought Lila a plate of complimentary breakfast, courtesy of the hotel, to speed up the process.

Though Calum managed to eat a good three quarters of the contents on her plate, so she scarfed down one, maybe two, pieces of bacon and a bite of toast.

Most eyes were on her as each boy showered, dressed, and eagerly waited by the door. Unfortunately, her eyes rarely strayed from one boy in particular. Even more unfortunate? He didn't spare her a single glance.

With her hair in a ponytail and a fresh change of clothes, Lila joins the boys by the door. She was finally able to shed those janky ass overalls. Luke's words, not hers. Though she was still forced to wear sunglasses and a thick hoodie at all times because God forbid somebody sees her with them and identifies her.

Luke maintains an iron-clad grip on Lila's arm as they walk from the hotel to the parking lot. He slows his steps, anchoring Lila to the pavement beside him. He tugs her closer, so close his breath hits her ear. "There isn't a place on Earth you can hide where I won't find you. Keep that in mind today."

Given recent events, Luke thought the message was very necessary. He takes a step forward before coming to a halt, swiveling his body until he faces her. "And remember what I told you. If you're good, you get something in return."

Ah, goosebumps. What an unfortunate time to make an appearance.

Luke notices, because he seems to have sixteen eyes and can predict what she's going to do before she does it. And his lips curl into a satisfied smile.

The blond was intimidating, with a heavy presence and a glare that burned. But when he wore a pleased but somewhat soft, somber expression, like now, he didn't even have to look at the girl to make her burn up.

She was in trouble.

Luke glances over and caught her gaze. "You've got to work on the staring."

Lila's pulse flutters in her throat, warmth rushing to her cheeks. His eyes fell to her rosy, red cheeks, and he did something so unexpected Lila would've thought he'd whack her with a stick before she saw him do this.

He laughed, softly, darkly. The kind of laugh that has no good intentions. The kind of laugh that walls don't forget. Lila surely won't.

Warmth curled in her stomach, and she couldn't help it. She stared even more at the curve of his lips and his white teeth that made Lila wonder what toothpaste brand he used.

And when he glanced at her sideways, with dark mirth in his gaze, Lila had to suck in a breath in fear of passing out.

Luke's eyes wandered to Lila's face one last time before his amusement faded and she was getting dragged to the car by Luke.

"I want to talk to my friends. You said if I was good I would get something in return, and that's what I want." She nodded to reassure herself that her request wasn't insane.

"You haven't been good yet."

"I will be. I promise." She smiles.

"Yeah?" he cocks his head to the side. 'Your promise doesn't mean shit to me."

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