02. villain

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Luke is the villain of this story.

He is the villain because he made the choices that no one else could, because he sacrificed others for the benefit of his loved ones — or at least he used to.

Now, he sacrifices others for his own benefit. Because there isn't a damn person left in this world who loves him.

It's made him bitter, sure, but he doesn't hold too much of a grudge considering he doesn't have love towards anyone. No one owes him anything, and he sure as hell has nothing to prove to anyone.

But Luke would never apologize for the man he has become, for no one has ever apologized for making him this way.

The villain is always destined to be defeated and die, every story is the same after all.

But maybe, just maybe, this one will be different.

. . .

"I don't understand why you won't talk to her." Calum begins, warily eying the blond as he rinses the crimson color from his knuckles. "It's been hours. She's got to be starving. Or losing her mind. Probably both." Calum doesn't fail to highlight Luke's lack of empathy towards anything with a pulse.

"I don't care." Luke states, blunt as usual. He wouldn't be bothered if the girl dropped dead. She was an inconvenience, an added thing Luke now had to worry about.

Though the lack of control he had over the situation angered him, and if he talked to Lila before he could properly cool off, it wouldn't end well for her.

The group of boys moved around often, covering multiple states in days. Robbing banks and completing petty side jobs for cash, the occasional murder when their lives started to feel boring. Luke didn't see how they would manage to drag a hostage with them everywhere.

And if the boy got stuck babysitting rather than pulling the trigger and watching blood drain from his victim, he would throw a damn fit.

While the house they were currently living in held significance to Luke, he had no intentions of staying very long. Not with his father hot on his trail.

"You should care. We could use her to our advantage."

At Calum's words, Luke abruptly turns the water off. "Keep talking." He says, arms now crossed firmly over his chest as his interest has been piqued.

Michael bursts into the kitchen with a smile. He and Calum created a plan that would keep Luke's temper at bay and Lila out of harms way.

"We use her as a distraction when we do our missions. She can make conversation with the guards and shit. Plus, she's hot, and could be a lookout. That way one of us isn't stuck standing by the entrance."

Luke thinks over Michael's words. It gives him an extra body to help with the dirty work, plus no one would be stuck babysitting her. And if there were ever any stubborn men standing in the groups way, a pretty girl would surely do the trick.

Unfortunately for him, Luke will eventually come to realize the only person Lila distracts is himself, and that could be fatal.

"I like it." Luke nods along.

Calum and Michael both wore cheeky grins, though the paler of the two quickly frowns. "I'm not certain shell be cooperative about it, though."

Luke chuckles deeply. All these years together and they still underestimate him. "What am I best at, hm?"

Michael sighs. "Forcing people to do what you want."


"And killing them if they don't'."

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