07. hit list

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"Move or I'll scream."

"Scream and I'll kill you."

"Kill me and I'll come back just to haunt you."

"If you haunt me I'll just have to kill you again."

"Calummmmmmmmm," Lila whines, now glaring at the boy as she throws a pillow at him.

He dodges it with ease. "What? Why are you glaring at me?" He says with a cheeky grin.

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust.

He fakes a hurt expression on his face. "Ouch. You'd want me dead just so you can watch Twilight? That movie sucks ass."

Lila groans and continues to try and change the channel on the television, but Calum has so kindly plastered his feet right in front of it, rendering her attempts useless.

"That movie is a classic." She defends.

"And John Wick isn't?"

"No! C'mon, I haven't watched television in weeks because of you, hold a girl down and let her watch her favorite werewolf slash vampire romance.... please." Her lips curl into a pout as she pleads to Calum.

"Nah." He smirks.

"I hate you." Lila hurls another pillow at the boy, though this time he throws it right back and Lila gets hit square in the face.

"I hate you too, little Lila." Calum strides towards the girl and ruffles her hair, chuckling as she swats his hands away.

Seeing as she's let her guard down a little, Calum swiftly pulls the remote from her hand and puts it down his pants.

"Hey! Not fair, give it back, or else." Lila demands, while crossing her arms across her chest, still maintaining her glare on Calum.

Calum decides to amuse her. "Or else what?"

"I'll kick you so hard your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth one by one like a Pez dispenser."

"I'm like sixty-seven percent sure that's anatomically impossible."

Lila and Calum stare blankly at one another for a few seconds before the older of the two flashes a toothy grin.

"If you don't want to watch the movie, you could get some beauty sleep. You still kinda look like shit."

Lila feels a vein popping out of her forehead as she hastily lays on her side with a scowl planted on her face.

"Atta girl." Calum speaks triumphantly.

The frequent action scenes in the movie prevent Lila from drifting off. She's the type of girl where it takes her ages to fall asleep, but when she does you couldn't wake her if the room was on fire.

She reluctantly shifts so she's facing the TV, and within minutes she hears snores coming from Calum's side of the room.

Lila has never been the murder-y type before, but this boy is seriously testing that.

She tries to remain optimistic. It's just one night's sleep, at least you're in a bed this time.

Plus, she gets to go shopping tomorrow.

Lila set the alarm clock in her hotel room for six in the morning.

She was never an early riser, but she'd make an exception to see a killer sunrise.

Her and Calum's room didn't have a balcony, but there was a window that took up almost an entire wall, overlooking Brooklyn.

The girl had her canvas propped up and a paintbrush resting behind her ear as she opened her paints.

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