05. dimples

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" His voice is dangerously low as he speaks, and if looks could kill then Lila would be six feet under.

"Do I know you?" Lila tilts her head to the side.

Luke grits his teeth, wanting to wipe her dopey fucking smile right off her face. He uses one hand to push Jay to the side, while the other pushes Lila backwards until her back hits the side of Jay's car.

His hands grip her forearms, preventing her from moving. he lowers his head to Lila's ear, whispering words that send shivers down her spine, "You're going to walk with me to the fucking car. If you run or scream or do absolutely anything to piss me off, I will make your life hell. You understand me?"

She nods, all the words are stuck in her throat.

He then turns to Jay, nodding at him. "You didn't see her with me, in fact, you didn't see her here at all. Are we clear?"

The frightened boy nods, giving Lila a sheepish wave before scurrying off.

The hold Luke has on Lila's wrists as he drags her to his car is almost intolerable and the literal fumes coming out of his ears have Lila scared shitless.

He's mumbling profanities, ways he wants to kill this girl and everything else in between.

Minutes later, Luke is shoving Lila into the passenger seat of his car and is even buckling the seatbelt for her.

"I think this is the nicest thing you've ever done for me," she says whilst Luke is still leaning over her to buckle her in.

He looks at her, his expressionless face still captivating her completely.

"I want to make sure you live through this so I can punish you later."

With that, Luke stands up, slams the door and walks around to the driver's side where he slides in with ease and revs up the engine.

"What kind of car is this?" Lila asks.

"Chevrolet Camaro. v-8 engine, 360 horsepower, 500 pounds of torque on tap. That mean anything to you?"

"You lost me at Chevrolet."

Luke groans, tugging on the ends of his hair in frustration.

If the cash prize for tonight wasn't as big as it was, Luke would've hauled Lila's ass straight back to the house without a moment's hesitation.

One of the boys had to be behind this, and it pisses Luke off that they would go against him like this.

The knife under Lila's shirt that he noticed the second he spotted her only added fuel to the fire.

They let the hostage out without supervision and gave her a weapon? Fucking pieces of shit.

This is why he's in charge, because apparently he's the only one with a goddamn brain.

Lila babbles something about preferring to stay behind and watch and not being thrown in against her will. Luke grunts in response.

She's utterly clueless.

All of the men here are like Luke. They kill for a living, they do bad things and they don't care.

They all put aside their bad blood for races like this. It's how they have fun and make some cash.

Jay belongs to Luke's father's gang. They used to be somewhat friends until Luke left. He's a decent guy, but not a guy Luke needs Lila hanging out with.

He's a dick but he knows better than to leave a girl like her alone with guys like that preying on her.

She's too naïve for her own good and she'd fall for their fake ass charm with ease and walk right into their fucking trap.

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