03. escape plan

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Lila has been here for six days, and she doesn't even know it.

Despite her hunger, she's only eaten enough to keep her conscious. The boys that have been down to bring her food are much more pleasant than Luke, though the bar really isn't that high.

Michael is her favorite so far, Ashton being a close second. They both talk to her like she's a person, and they try to stay a little longer than Luke allows.

She and Calum butt heads a lot, their relationship consists of rude banter versus genuine conversation.

He was a bit of an ass when he first talked to her, and Lila, feeling angry and powerless about the situation she's in, channeled her anger into being an ass right back.

But it keeps her on her toes, and his company isn't nearly as dreadful as Luke's.

The boys make her feel less lonely, and she's grateful for that.

She hasn't seen Luke since the knife incident, and it bothers her.

Lila is terrified of him, but can't deny her curiosity about the blond. He's troubled and scary, and everything her parents have ever warned her about.

And yet she finds herself wanting to know more about him.

Like why he seemed so bothered by the burns on her shoulder, or what could have happened during his childhood to form him into such a monster.

She sees the good in people, even when there isn't any.

Being alone with your thoughts for so long provides plenty of time to overthink, which is exactly what the girl has been doing.

She's thought about her friends and parents, if they've even given a second thought about her out-of-character disappearance.

She was sure her childhood best friend, Mason, and her roommate, Olivia, would be the first ones to figure out something was up.

Her thoughts continued to run wild, and escape plans seemed to be the topic her brain wouldn't stay away from.

There isn't a bathroom where Lila is kept. Periodically, one of the boys walks her to the bathroom on the second floor. It has one window, and it wasn't locked the last time she checked.

Her plan is simple. Ask to take a shower, lock the door, and sneak out the window.

If worse comes to worst, Lila took a karate class when she was in middle school and is fairly confident she'll be able to kick at least one of their butts.

Though maybe that's the delusion of not seeing sunlight for almost a week.

Granted, she has no idea where she is, but she can't stay here like a sitting duck. It's torture.

Lila stands from the ground. Her legs are shaky from lack of eating, and she slowly climbs the stairs.

Perching herself on the last one, she knocks against the door three times, which is what Michael had told her to do when she needed something.

Two knocks for food, three knocks for the bathroom.

To her dismay, Calum opens the door with a glare.

"This isn't a good time, can't you hold it?"

"I've been holding it for hours. Maybe if you gave me a bucket I wouldn't have to be such an inconvenience."

"We wouldn't make you piss in a bucket. We aren't that cruel." Calum replies with an eye roll, fully opening the door and standing to the side so Lila can come out.

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