13. fuck me eyes

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"Serious question." Lila says directly. "And answer carefully, because this is the deciding factor in whether you and I can be pals or not." After a heavy pause to make sure he knew the gravity of the matter, she asked, "Team Stefan or team Damon?"

Calum's eyes narrowed at her. "I don't speak whatever language that is."

She smiles. "The Vampire Diaries? Only the most influential television series on the CW, you know."

He looked like he was suffering from a headache, and she couldn't hold in her small laugh.

The most unlikely pair was sitting on the living room couch, once again fighting over what to watch.

"First Twilight and now this? I think someone has a vampire fetish." He teases her, gently kicking her with his foot.

He is much more pleasant to be around when the other boys are gone. She wonders if he's scared to show his personality around Luke.

Lila laughs once more in response to his absurd comment. She pauses a moment before asking, "You don't like me very much, do you?"

"I find you annoying." Calum responds with no hesitation.

Lila nods in acceptance. "Believe it or not, I think that's progress." His lips tip upward slightly, and if she hadn't been forced to be around him for the last few weeks, she would've missed the barely there trace of a smile. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I don't."

"Considering how friendly you are, I don't see how that's possible."

He didn't respond, instead moving to his feet and standing at his incredible height. Lila had felt obscenely tall her entire life, and it was nice being the shortest one in the group for once.

"I have a friend, Olivia, who loves the tall, dark and brooding type. Claims they have the biggest hearts deep down and she just wants to climb them like a tree."

He doesn't acknowledge her, not even a blink.

"Can you hear me okay from all the way up there?"

Something close to amusement passed in his eyes, and an ember of success filled her, so she continued.

"She wants to be a nurse. Her interests include action movies, animals, espresso shots, and baking." Lila laughs at the repulsed curl of his lips. "Just think, she could bake you a hundred cakes and put you in a sugar coma. Those are the best."

As if this tempted him, his cold gaze came her way.

"Just say the word and I'll set you guys up. I can see it now, the cutest long-distance relationship you ever did see."

Calum watched her like he was seriously contemplating it. Then he casually asked, "Does she like to be gagged with hot wax dripping down her body?"

He was trying to shock her, and it worked. She couldn't keep her jaw from flying open. Her expression finally emitted a small smile from the boy.

"You think about that while I go outside to smoke." He waves his half-empty box of cigarettes in her face before leaving. Lila intended to follow him, but she couldn't get her legs to work as she tried to wash that bombshell out of her mind.

. . .

Lila's first night in her new room was thrilling. Not only did she get to hear Michael fucking some random for two hours, she also ran into Michael peeing in the bathroom with the lights off, sans clothes.

Believe it or not, this all happened before midnight.

Aside from those minor issues that made her want to scrub her ears and eyes for the next eight hours, sleep came easily for her.

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