43. it's a date

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Luke and Lila found their footing while traveling down the east coast. One of them always got their own room, and the other would sneak in once their roommate was asleep.

They didn't stay in one state for more than two days. No one had any destination in mind, just five kids with no place to go. Luke did want to stop in Florida for a bit though, remembering how Lila said she's always wanted to go.

Somewhere between Maryland and North Carolina, Luke and Lila lay tangled up in bed. Their lips swollen and their hearts beating rapidly after a heated make-out session.

Lila is in awe of how quickly habits can form. She sleeps by the window every night now, even when Luke isn't in bed with her. Though the newest bad habit consists of Luke, late nights and rumpled bed sheets.

It's been a few days since the boy initiated their no sex rule, and to be honest, she thought he would have caved by now. His determination is rock hard, and that certainly isn't the only thing.

"You still haven't told me your last name." She rolls onto her back, yanking the duvet over to her side. Sometimes they bask in silence, other times they talk about frivolous things.

Oh, and something new Luke has learned about Lila? She's a fucking blanket hog.

"I don't plan on it." He responds dryly. Lila would google him, read a bunch of shitty articles that paint him as a monster. She didn't need her head filled with that bullshit. He pulls Lila into his arms and closes his eyes. "Get some sleep."

Her breathing doesn't slow, her body doesn't go limp with exhaustion. "Do you remember when you told me you didn't sleep very well?"


She swallows thickly, her voice low. "I get it now."

Though she should be grateful for the few hours of sleep she is still able to get, for the nightmares haven't started yet.

. . .

"I'm going to fucking kill this girl." Luke gripes as he stomps down the hallway and pounds on Lila and Calum's door, his loud voice booming through the walls. "Lila!"

He can hear her and Calum's spurts of laughter through the closed door, though when she opens it, she's as composed as can be, staring at him with a blank face. "Luke, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

His eyes narrow into slits as he pushes past her. "Don't play coy. You know what the fuck you did."

The girl can't contain her giggling anymore, doubling over and clutching her stomach. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it was Calum's idea!" She points a finger at the brunette.

"Purple looks good on you, mate." Calum's smug-ass grin has Luke flipping him off.

Ashton said everyone needed to lighten up, so Calum decided to dye a chunk of Luke's hair purple. He recruited Lila to execute his plan. Luke wasn't one for humor, which made him the perfect target.

"We match! I think it's cute." Lila chirps. "Er, not cute. Very ugly, actually."

He huffs, taking the previously blond strands between his fingers. "Get this shit out of my hair. Now."

Calum tosses him the boxed dye. "Relax. It'll wash out in a couple days. Lila was very particular about the brand, your hair is in good hands."

Luke watches in disgust as the older boy slings a cheeky arm around Lila. They both smile, as if pissing Luke off is the best part of their day.

His eyes dart between Lila and Calum, the complacent duo making his skin crawl. "This isn't happening. You two aren't allowed to fucking gang up on me."

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