Chapter eighty four

Start from the beginning

Uranian younglings are known to deliberately kill their human parents and not survive too

"You should tell her, and get her womb blocked, there are many younglings you two can raise, but it important she knows"

Matt chuckled"I can barely hold a conversation with her, you know she gets to emotional for me"

Caith laughed, none of them can hold a conversation, it like the only thing they can say is affirm or deny.

"I will help you talk to her, at least before we block her womb, but the issue is,are you going to be okay, living with a human that might not actually really like you, and not been able to have younglings of your own?"

Matt shrugged with a smirk"I basically raised Enzo's younglings since both mother and father are a crazy pair, and I watched Viktor go through the circle of loosing and gaining his family, I watched over Mitri's for most of the time, at this point I already felt enough, I just want to watch my region and wait for death to come asking for my mate"

Caith nodded"fine then"


It been two days, the crystal palace is still locked down, the queen was mourning her mate and her mother.

Eres stared at the window, her mind going back.

"So you are the great Uranus?" The familiar darkskin chuckled"and you are my grand child"

Eres looked at him, he looks just slightly different from the grand father she grew to know, then she looked around the big throne room, her eyes went to the frames, his children his grand children, her eyes gazed on herself and her father. The smiles on their faces makes her heart almost break, she changed.

"Do you want to meet him"

Eres quickly shook her head, smiling at the frame of Mercury, the scar on his face was larger than the one now, he had on a very bright smile, like he was living his best life that is just Caith

" If I meet father, I would want to remain the little youngling he left behind"

She looked at Mercury's for a little longer" do you not have two of these?"

Uranus chuckled"of course, he has always been the hothead out of all of his brothers, he just wanted to live until he met you"

She shook her head taking the frame, before turning to her grandfather"why did you choose me?"

He chuckled"oh no I did not" he waved his hands causing a wave of pure black to follow Eres

"I normally had Pluto as the perfect choice, or Venus,but somehow when Algea was pregnant, she just preferred the darker things, from the isolations to just staring at nothing, somehow darkness wanted you it craved you and I gave you to it"

She hummed catching the wave, " and I do not regret that"

"Will I ever meet Osiris again?"

Uranus shook his head"he is safe, but your paths are parallel..." Her eyes turned watery, she quickly took a seat, "I lost him, I lost him"

" He knows you, he asks about you, but he knows you two shall never meet, who you have is a vessel, I am sorry" she sobbed ripping of Osiris' picture from the frame, he looks different, all grown, the smile on his face is identical to Caith's.

" You are Uranus, I feel you can do something, Caith still have not seen him or felt him, you can broke any curse"

The older man shrugged" could have, would have, but it will come with an exchange"

She stared at her mentor waiting for him to name anything"Mercury..."

She shook her head"that is an unfair bargain and you know that"

" I do but you should know how this works, it is your child for mine" he said nonchalantly.

She sighed" I just got Mercury back, letting him go will not be an easy task"

" I have grown fond of little Osiris, he is a marvelous artist, he  helps keep the sun on spot, if he leaves I will need Mercury back, he had that task"

She sighed keeping the frame" I curse myself, for been unable to keep you safe, to have you right beside me, as my womb opener, I curse Urania, no first born will be groomed by their parents, all kings or queens after me will never meet their womb opener, "

She cleaned her eyes dipping her finger into her arm and soiling the face  of her son.

Uranus heard her cry like she jus heard her youngling was death, he felt for his child, her child has been ripped off her hands by her sister, do she ripped off her descendants that same joy.

He took her hands into his and led her away from her heartbreak.

" I will not let you curse yourself, you can always meet him once a year, " she gave a large grin causing him to chuckle, she looks like that youngling himself and his son left behind.

She watched a portal open and there stood her son, but he looks more like Mercury, with that wide smile, where do they get all these strength from to smoke even when she is feeling down.

This time he is the one who did a loud wail, seeing his mother for the first time.

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