Chapter 53 Loose End

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Lucius goggled at Dorian, unsure if he heard it right.

Did Dorian just say he loved him, too?

Was this some kind of trick? But that was not something Dorian would have lied about. And what was the point of lying to him? Dorian didn't know that he had Asmodian's blood. No one knew. To Dorian, he was just a man returned from death. And if Dorian wanted, he could have kept Julian.

But Dorian didn't.

Could he really believe it?

Dorian pulled his consort closer, and there was such tenderness and affection on his countenance that softened all his edges and melted away the coldness that used to perfuse his aura. His finger traced the lineaments on Lucius's face. Brows, eyelids, cheekbones, lips...and the touches silently spoke a thousand words. And the pain and anger in Lucius's heart were taken away by each tiny touch, morsel by morsel.

"For six years, I had been imagining the moment when my father realized that he had lost in my hand, and I thought I'd relish that moment, savoring his regrets and fear. But when it happened, I felt nothing. Because I thought I lost you, and everything just felt...numb." Dorian whispered, and his words were coated with barely contained feelings, "And then I finally realized how much you meant to me, but I thought I had lost you and it was too late."

"You said you love me."

"I did."

"Say it again."

"I love you."

Lucius gulped to suppress the welling-up feelings, but streaks of those sore, tender, pulsating tendrils of joy, pain, doubt, and relief still reached his eyes. His lips trembled as he asked, "Are you sure? What about Julian?"

"You know, for six years, I've been yearning to be with him again, and for the longest time, I thought I couldn't forget him nor give up the feeling I had for him. In the end, it became a story that I told myself. A dream I held to get me through all the lies and hatred that filled my life." Dorian noticed the disappointment and hurt once again resurfaced in Lucius's countenance, so he held him tighter and continued with a soft smile, "But since you came, at some time in the past year, I realized that I hadn't thought about Julian for a long time. And I knew then that he was in the past. And you are my one and only consort."

Lucius could no longer hold back those gushing feelings. He threw his arms over Dorian's neck and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. Dorian returned the kiss with ten times more passion and voracity as if he had been starving for a whole month. They clutched at each other so tight, as if trying to rub the other into their flesh so they would never be separated again.

Before either of them could register, their nightshirts were half torn, Dorian's sculptural, dark body pressed Lucius's ivory, slander figure deep into the soft mattress, and Lucius's long legs wrapped around Dorian's slim waist. Their kiss never stopped as their hands busily explored each other.

Dorian was eager yet attentive. After thorough preparation, Lucius opened himself and received Dorian's onslaught like melting butter. The sound of their body clashing, their erotic moaning, and the scent of musky amorous passion infused the air, and they made love like there was no tomorrow.

And when Dorian shouted Lucius's name as he shot his load deep into his consort's body, Lucius was finally sure that Dorian was telling the truth.

That Dorian indeed loved him back. And that thought by itself was enough to send Lucius to the acme of pleasure.

As they lay on the bed, slowly descending from the heaven of carnality and lust, Lucius suddenly realized something.

"Wait...was this your mother's old room? They said this was the Queen's Chamber, and they only have a very short time to prepare it for me."

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