Chapter 15 The Feast

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A grand feast ensued after the yearly gladiatorial game. All the winners were cheered and celebrated as the guest of honor and sat at the same table with Chieftan Volke and his family pack.

Lucius was permitted to sit with Dorian. The crowd gave a boisterous ovation when the vampire prince's name was announced as they were let to the table. The people of The Guardians saw Dorian as a hero who slayed the evil monster and brought justice to the victims.

"How is your arm?" Volke asked with a smile.

Dorian glanced at his bandaged right arm and shrugged, "it will recover in two days."

"You've done a phenomenal job in the Arena, my friend." Volke laughed sonorously and raised his horn of ale, "not only you ended him with the famous 'Blood Flower,' but you also allowed the victim families to have their closure. I couldn't have done it any better myself. Cheers to you!"

Dorian drank with him and many others who came to propose a toast to him. The werewolves were clearly infatuated with Dorian and no longer saw him as an enemy.

Lucius also downed several horns of the refreshing ale with them, half out of courtesy, half out of sincere joyfulness. God knew he almost screamed for Dorian to run multiple times, and he clutched his fists so tight that his fingernails cut into his palms.

Lucius kept telling himself that he worried about Dorian simply because the prince was his protector and not because of anything else, but at this moment, he just wanted to forget about his position and be happy about the fact that Dorian was alive and mostly unharmed.

After several drinks, he felt a nice and tingling warmth growing in his stomach, and he was slightly dizzy, but not yet to the point of intoxication. He glanced at Dorian, and a strange feeling hit his heart.

In the dancing flame's orange light and the bonfire heat, Dorian's youthful and sculptural features radiated effulgently, like an ancient god. His smell was rich and intoxicating, making Lucius want to sniff more.

Why was he feeling like a schoolgirl having a crash? This was so unbecoming and absurd...

As if felt his gaze, Dorian turned to look at him. And Lucius wasn't sure if it was the light or his imagination, but he thought the look in the prince's eyes was slightly different than usual.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Dorian asked softly.

"Nothing. I'm just glad you are still alive."

"But if I die, you can go back to Anthor, and Eternia will be busy dealing with the werewolves, and no one will even notice that you are gone." Dorian slightly tilted his head, "wouldn't that be better for you? Don't you want to go home?"

"I'd rather not go home if that's the price."Lucius said quietly, "and I don't really think there is a home for me to return to. Not since they have decided to send me away."

Dorian peered at him in such a way that made Lucius's heartache, and as the vampire gently caressed his cheek, he leaned in and closed his eyes. He liked the coolness on Dorian's hand and the way he touched him with such care and tenderness as if he cherished him with the most delicate affection.

But then, someone interrupted their moment. It was a stunningly beautiful male omega werewolf, tall and slender, with milky skin, azure eyes, and curly silver hair. He smiled seductively at Dorian and asked him for a dance.

Volke laughed and encouraged with a wink, "this is Faelan the White Gold, son of Jarl Alberto, the most beautiful unclaimed omega in my realm. You are a lucky man tonight."

To Lucius's surprise, Dorian accepted the invitation, and as they joined the dancing crowd, people around them all cheered and hurrahed. The music was exotic and rhythmic, and they danced and swayed with such ease and elegance as if they'd danced a hundred times before.

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