Chapter 39 Belated Honeymoon

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On the day of the departure, Lucius was on edge and expecting anything suddenly go horribly wrong at any minute until the moment their flight took off. He exhaled in relief and slumped into the seat, never had thought that one day he would be happy on a plane.

It felt like they were leaving all the shit behind, and they could finally breathe again.

Dorian saw the artless relaxation mingled with a fresh excitement on Lucius's face and wondered how someone could simultaneously be so complicated and ingenuous. He asked, "have you been to Esmore before?"

"Of course not. It is illegal for Anthorian to go to any vampire-friendly countries."

"I think you will like it there. It is an artistic city."

"Yes! I've always wanted to go to The Grand Athinis Gallery! Can we go? Do we have time?"

"We are on our honeymoon." Dorian curled his lip slightly, "we have all the time in the world."

Lucius grinned and turned around to Florian in the back seat, "I can't believe we are going to a human country. Aren't you excited?"

Florian bowed his head and answered in the formal and polite tone he often used when they were not alone, "I am very looking forward to it, your highness."

Esmore was nine hours away from Emberton, one of the biggest cities of Aelis, one of the few multi-sapient-species countries. Humans, vampires and werewolves reached a delicate but stable harmony in these nations, and though inter-species hatred and violence still existed, some level of co-dependency was established.

Humans were still the majority in Esmore, but most were not believers, and a unique vampire-worshiping culture was prevalent. Many people saw being bitten by an immortal and superior being as an honor. And if one was special enough, an apostle might give them their blood, sharing immortality with them.

More conservative countries like Anthor deemed people in Esmore to be depraved and licentious sinners and traitors, but even they couldn't deny the appeal of arts, philosophies, and entertainment from these more liberal cultures.

To Lucius's astonishment, Dorian was a well-worshiped celebrity here. The moment the cabin door was open, a sea of flashlights, cheer of excitement, and various flashy, love-expressing banners engulfed them. Some fan girls and boys screamed so loud that Lucius almost felt like being attacked by some sort of acoustic weapon.

"What the..." The Crown Prince Consort was intimidated by such fanaticism and hesitated for some seconds before the door. He had seen some crazy fans in those idol concerts but never expected to witness his kind showing the same enthusiasm toward a vampire.

Dorian placed an arm around Lucius's waist and took him out of the door to stand on the top of the stairs, receiving the oration like a king while whispering, "don't worry, I won't let them eat you."

"Is this some sort of cult?"Lucius mumbled incredulously. He couldn't fathom that some humans loved vampires to such an extent.

"Perhaps. Don't I possess the charisma for a cult leader?" Dorian glanced at him with a subtle smugness and led him downstairs, holding his hand. And somehow, Lucius felt the hand-holding was not purely for the show this time.

They stayed in a stately resort, and for their privacy, half of the resort was closed to the public. While the fans were gathering outside, hoping to glimpse the winner of "the sexiest male vampire" for the past three years, the elites of Aslani family were also eagerly anticipating Dorian to meet with them and restore the lost family glory.

However, little did they know Dorian and Lucius didn't really stay in that hotel. They only reserved half of the suits as a facade to divert people's attention. They stayed in a much smaller but stylish hot spring resort's honeymoon suite. Florian and their bodyguards posed as regular customers and occupied every room adjacent to theirs.

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