Chapter 42 Dream of Flame

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Lucius found Julian on the balcony on the second floor of the inn. Julian was wearing a white shirt slightly too big for him, making him look even more boyish and vulnerable. No one would have thought this was the holy man who shouldered humanity's faith and future.

Lucius joined him by his side. The endless sea of sand spread before them, sleeping under the diaphanous voile of moonlight.

"I did not agree to it when they decided to let you go to Eternia in my place," Julian said gently as if scared to startle the balmy wind, "but they locked me away and didn't allow me to even say goodbye to you."

"That's a relief." Lucius replied in a lighthearted, almost bantering tone, "at least one of my family didn't agree to it."

"That was cruel of them. I would never have thought they could agree to such a thing." Anger stained Julian's speckless cheek, making him more lively, "I want you to know I would never have wanted you to suffer in my place."

"I'm not suffering. Dorian treated me very well, better than anyone I've been with."Lucius turned around and leaned against the railing, looking at the milky way traveling across the firmament, "I appreciate that you tried to...fix this, but I can't go back anymore, Jules."

"You can go back as me."

"And what about the part that I'm not the prophet who can inform the Churches what to do next to preserve humanity from the fate of being overpowered by all these supernatural species? The whole Project Genesis was based on your vision. They can't proceed without you. And what if they need to hear God's words or a miracle? I'm not you, Lucius. I'm not the chosen one."

Julian lowered his head as worry and sadness brimmed his eyes, "they are planning to let me come out of hiding in the near future, Lu. The faith among the believers was greatly weakened when they believed I fell from grace. Some even began to question the Churchs' authority. There have been riots and insurrections everywhere in Anthor, and the King and the Churches are becoming unsettled. If they decide to reveal to the people in Anthor that I was never away, what will happen to you then? The vampires will realize they are tricked and kill you for it."

"King Cosmo wants to resume the invasion of Anthor. He will find a reason to kill me anyway."

"Then why are you still wanting to stay!"

"Because this is my job, and I must finish it." Lucius said firmly, "I've given too much for it."

Julian stared at Lucius's visage for a long, profound time and asked solemnly, "have you fallen for Dorian?"

Lucius fell into silence for a prolonged moment, but eventually, he nodded, "I suppose I have. But that is not the only reason I have to stay."

Lucius was sure that Dan didn't tell Julian anything about his secret mission by now. Otherwise, Julian probably wouldn't have insisted that he abandon his post.

"Why didn't you wait for Dorian?" Lucius asked before Julian could comment on his confession, "You didn't even mention him to me when I visited. And knowing you, that means you felt something for him, didn't you? Then why took the vow?"

Julian evaded his searching gaze and turned his face back to the edge of the world. He admitted quietly, "Because it was wrong. It was a sinful temptation, and I had to overcome it by committing myself to my true destiny."

Of course it was because of that...The Churches condemned homosexual relationships, not to mention that Dorian was a vampire. Lucius suddenly felt bad for Dorian. The memories he cherished in his locked heart for six years couldn't compete with the Churches' doctrines.

"Sinful I'm also a big sinner in your eyes." Lucius scoffed acrimoniously, but then he shook his head and said sincerely, "You should stick to your plan, go back to Anthor and serve your God, because that is your job. We all have our own job to do, and you should leave mine to me."

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