Chapter 3 Arrival

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Lucius hated airplanes. No matter how much statistics suggested it was the safest way of traveling, he just couldn't help but imagine the worst scenario, how scared the passengers must be when they knew it was going down and they would die in a few minutes, no time to process and to make peace. Before they boarded it, they were probably planning what to do during their vacation or what to eat as supper, having no inkling that they would never make the destination.

However, he was much calmer than usual this time. Probably because what was awaiting him on the other side of the journey was worse than his worst fear about planes.

After two martinis, the head bodyguard escorting Lucius to Eternia forbade the stewardess to bring him more, so he had to suffer the whole trip and the following ordeals sober. Plus, the rigid Crimson Robe, a typical formal attire High Priests wear, was extremely cumbersome and uncomfortable. He wondered how Julian could wear such complicated and restricting clothing every day.

He tried to watch some movie or listen to music, but the chaotic thoughts roaring in his head prevented him from enjoying any of it.

He wondered if there was any morsel of remorse in his parents' hearts. Would Amelda regret that she tried to trick him into compliance? Would the people of Anthor know that he was the oblation of the so-called peace?

And most of all, would Julian miss him? Would he weep for him? And why didn't he try to contact or talk to him since the farce commenced? Why didn't he come to say goodbye? Was it guilt or fear?

Did he know about the premise of the treaty at all, or did they keep him in the dark? And if he knew, did he agree to this?

Lucius thought he knew the answer, but he was no longer sure after being sold by his parents and his country.

In three hours, they landed in Emberton. As the plane glided to a stop, Lucius looked outside the window and saw figures in black suits waiting next to a long, black limousine. They looked just like regular humans from afar.

Lucius felt nauseated.

The stewardess was practically shaking as she opened the cabin door. Lucius could smell the fear and uneasiness from underneath all his bodyguards' collected demeanor. Even the head bodyguard Dan, who allegedly killed three apostle vampires during his serving time, appeared unsettled.

"Are you ready?"Asked Dan.

Lucius combed his shoulder-length hair a few times with his sweaty fingers and straightened his robe and sash as he stood up, trying to look as presentable as possible.

From now on, he had to stop being Lucius and become Julian. But how long could he last? Was it possible to pretend someone he was not for the rest of his life?

"I wish you'd let me have that one more drink," he mumbled before standing up and walking toward the exit.

Six vampire guards stood straight and silent on either side of the airstair, three men and three women. Probably all neophytes or above since they were not afraid of the sunlight. They were youthful, slim and elegant, with cooler-toned, immaculate skin and rich, lustrous hair. The only thing that gave away their predatory nature was when their piercing gaze locked on you. The covetous lust for killing, blood, and cruelty slithered out from the eerie glistens of their unblinking eyes, making the ones under their gaze shudder instinctively.

It was the first time Lucius came so close to vampires, and every hair plus the goosebumps on his body stood erect. His steps slowed down haltingly as the urge to run became harder to suppress. But Dan put a hand on his back, and the forceful pressure pushed him forward.

A tall, black-haired vampire woman walked up to them with a glamorous smile, revealing two long, sharp fangs, "welcome to Eternia, your holiness. I hope the flight was pleasant."

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