Chapter 40 A Guest

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A/N: Full version of this chapter can be found on my Patreon page as free content, link is on my profile page.


Dorian wondered how he had in any world mistaken Lucius for Julian, even if he was drunk. Perhaps after all the failed attempts of the assassins, the war, humans and his father, Lucius would finally succeed at killing him.

Lucius straddled the vampire, rising up and down, ridding his husband with such speed and force. His seemingly thin waist was flexible and indefatigable. A thin layer of sweat glittered on his smooth and speckless chest, and his reddish-golden hair stuck on his blushing cheeks. He was so fierce and beautiful that Dorian couldn't stop staring at him, and the feeling of losing control and being taken over by sensations was driving Dorian mad.

The overwhelming, breathtaking pleasure built up inside the vampire, higher and higher like a raging tide behind a dam about to collapse.

"I can't hold back much longer!" Dorian growled and moved his hands to Lucius's waist, but the insisting consort pressed his hands back to the bed.

"Not yet!"Lucius commanded between his erratic movements, "wait for me!"

"I've waited long enough!"

Lucius suddenly sat down exceptionally hard, and he paused. The interruption almost sent Dorian to the afterlife, and the vampire prince almost wanted to beg, "what are you doing!"

"I said patience!" Lucius brushed his wet hair away from his face, and he lowered down to kiss Dorian on his lips, and the kiss scattered down to his neck and chest. 

"Elders! You are killing me!"

And Lucius started his dancing again, and as the pleasure once again built to another level, the incubus-like consort finally whispered into his ear, "now you can have it."

Dorian growled like a beast and scooped Lucius up with his strong arms and flipped their positions with one smooth and fast movement. Lucius swore that for a brief moment, Dorian's face changed into his devilish beast form, his teeth grew longer, and his irises flashed crimson. 

Afterward, they snuggled together in the messy bed. Lucius ran his finger across Dorian's hairless chest, addicted to the silky tactile sensation and the vibrating warmth. Dorian grabbed his playful hand and kissed his fingers, one at a time, and the intimacy made Lucius's soft penis twitch again.

"You would have made a great musician." Lucius rested his head on Dorian's chest and laughed, "or perhaps a band member. People would have worshiped you like a god."

"But then I wouldn't have married you."Dorian combed his fingers through Lucius's wavy locks.

"Have you ever regretted disobeying your father because of me?" Lucius asked quietly, "am I worth all these troubles?"

Dorian's hand paused for a second, then sat up a little and tilted Lucius's face up, so the latter could see his eyes.

"You may not believe it, but I care for you, Lucius." Dorian said somberly, "I wouldn't have had it another way."

All sorts of emotions mingled in Lucius's heart, and he felt a lump in his throat. He had always doubted if he was worthy of anything, too scared to believe that anyone would love him. Yet he had been yearning for it nonetheless.

Would he dare to believe that maybe, just maybe, he had some space in Dorian's heart? And did he deserve it when he was a liar and a traitor?


South of Esmore was a vast desert stretching for a hundred miles, namely Faramos, the forgotten land. Aelisians believed that there used to be an exceptionally advanced and prosperous ancient civilization that existed on this barren land, but one day they disappeared for mysterious reasons. Their grandeur temples, lavish palaces and beautiful gardens were erased and engulfed by wind and sand, and their glory, name, and history had passed into oblivion.

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