Chapter 18 The Sleeping Ones

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A miracle.

Lucius was still in shock when the parents hugged their son in exultant tears, and the doctors and the shamans stood agape. He watched the whole scene, wondering if it was a dream until Dorian gently touched his shoulder.

"You ok?"

Lucius nodded, "I think so?"

"What did you do?" Dorian regarded him astounded.

" prayed."

"And God answered?"

"I don't know...." Lucius didn't feel happy about it as he should have. He had this sinking feeling in his stomach that he had done something that he would regret profoundly in the future.

Because he was sure it wasn't God who answered his prayer.

Who was that presence that haunted his dream when he almost died from feeding Dorian? He thought it was only a dream or a delusion, but why did he pray to the voice in the moment of exigency? And worst of all, why did it answer his entreaty?

The rest of the night went by in a blur. Lucius remembered many people talking to him, but he couldn't recollect his reply. His legs hurt like hell, his throat dry and burning as if he hadn't drunk a drop of water for days, and his head light and dizzy. Thankfully Dorian noticed his exhaustion and made an excuse for them to retire.

"I need a bath," Lucius told Dorian once they returned to the lodge. He sank into the steamy water, letting the warmth alleviate the soreness of the muscles and closed his eyes, trying to lose his tightened nerves.

But he couldn't relax. How could he when something so strange that completely altered his worldview just happened?

He didn't believe in god or miracles. He had thought that the "miracle" Julian performed was just some sheer coincidence. Maybe the little girl was about to get better anyway, and she just happened to recover after his prayers. Or perhaps the doctors gave her the wrong diagnosis. There were many ways to explain it. But now, he wasn't so sure anymore.

When that crazed, half-corpse werewolf pounced at him, when his life was about to end, he could feel a pull similar to what he felt that night as Dorian drank his blood to the extent that he knew his life was slipping away.

"Some say twins are one person's soul split into two, one divine, the other evil. Which one are you, Lucius?"

Lucius still remembered that voice clearly, accompanied by a strange itchy feeling deep inside his body, like many tiny hands tickling the inside of his veins. He ran his left hand over his dew-covered chest, recalling the hot, wet tentacles in that dream coiling around his body, slithered under his shirt and rubbing his nipple. He let out a shaky moan as he tilted his head backward, resting on the tub's edge.

His right hand wrapped around his hardened cock, and he wasn't sure if he was already in the dream again, but he could feel the snaky tentacles crawling up his ankles, shins, and thighs, titillating his entrance. His lips were open, and his face flushed as the electricity of pleasure continuously built up.

But then a knock on the door interrupted everything.

"Is everything ok?" Dorian's voice sounded hesitant.

Lucius snapped back to reality and sat straight up from the embrace of the water. He lost time, and the water was only lukewarm now.

"Um, yeah. I will be out soon."He said embarrassingly.

Lucius quickly dried himself, wrapped the bathrobe around his body, and opened the door. Dorian reposed on the couch with a glass of blood in hand, reading something on a laptop. He regarded Lucius with such an odd expression.

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