Start from the beginning

    These three had become best friends the fastest out of everyone, like three peas in a pod. Of course they would notice the slight changes in her behavior and want to help in any way they could. The two searched for a minute or two before finding her in an empty room, the door not being locked so it was so easy for them to get in.

    The sight broke their hearts but they both silently made their way over to sit down onto the ground, sitting almost in front of her but giving her some space. Neither wanted her to feel uncomfortable or anything and they'd just wanted her to feel less stressed and less anxious.

    There was harshness in her breathing as it charted into hyperventilating, tears steady streaming down her cheeks and some going down her neck. She looked frightened and it felt like she was starting to spiral. Her eyes were trained on nothing in particular but she was able to look at Jere, her brain trying to concentrate on the man as a way to repel the nearing panic attack.

    "Jen, it's Bojan and Jere. We are here for you, it's okay. You're completely safe." The Slovenian didn't know what to do at first but he started saying things that he thought would help.

    "I can't—," Jenny rasped out, feeling herself getting hotter. Her symptoms were always the same when her anxiety started up, but she never got used to it.

    "Hey, it's okay." The Finn was next to reassure her. "Focus on me and the sound of my voice, alright. You're going to be okay, I promise. I need you to slow your breathing."

    Jenny could only repeat, "I can't." She was spiraling and couldn't force away these thoughts that plagued her mind.

    Bojan continued the attempt at calming the H/C haired girl down. "Yes, you can, just focus on us and the calmness of our voices. Listen to me and follow my instructions. Take a breath in and hold it for four seconds before exhaling. I'm going to have you do it a couple of times and I'll do it with you."

    She nodded hesitantly, waiting for Bojan to start instructing her further. "Breathe in," he spoke softly before doing as he said. The brunette watched as the girl took a shaky breath. "Good. Now, hold it for four seconds. I'll count for you, okay? One, two, three, four."

    His counts were relatively slow, needing for her to calm down as quickly as possible. "And now you can exhale," he reminded and exhaled afterwards. "That was great, can you do it for us again?"

    Jenny took a breath in, albeit a still shaky one, and held it while the Slovenian counted again. She exhaled when he was finished. It was working and she felt genuinely relieved. She repeated this thrice more before she was calm enough to form sentences and to regain her thoughts.

    She looked at the two men with a grateful expression, feeling thankful that they were there in such a difficult time. "Thanks guys, I hope I wasn't too much of a burden. I do not know what happened—I mean, I do but I was not expecting to be on the verge of such a bad panic attack.

    Jenny paused to gather her thoughts and continued the discussion soon after. "I have just been stressed out about doing well. It's so important that I do well but I keep thinking that I won't or that I'm not talented enough to."

    The Finnish male took one of her hands into his own, his expression softening at the mention of her struggles. "No matter what place you end up, everyone is proud of you, we are proud of you. You deserve to be here and follow your passions just like the rest of us."

    "Jere's right, you do belong here! Each of our friends always talk about how talented you are and how much they love your music and creativity." Bojan added, taking her other hand into his own.

    Jenny sighed. "Thanks guys, I appreciate that. I guess we should probably head back out because I'm sure everyone has questions."

    Jere shook his head, "We don't have to just yet. It's okay if we just sit here like this."

    That's exactly what the three did, the two boys staying there with the girl for as long as she needed them to. Jenny felt so loved and cared for and it was a feeling that she held onto the most.

 Jenny felt so loved and cared for and it was a feeling that she held onto the most

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