Update Notice & Q & A #2

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Hello Everyone,

"Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: Water," is going on a partial hiatus. My maternal grandfather has passed away due to complications with cancer. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. 

Below is a Q & A I prepared some months ago. 

Q1: How do you pronounce the dragons's name?

A1: eye-sue-core-e-eh or ah-sue-core-e-eh both would be correct.

Q2: While we're on the topic, how do you pronounce Miranda's full name?

A2: Lunalyalin is luna-lie-all-lynn or luna-lie-ah-lynn. Aiyaaelah is eye-e-ah-la. Faelynda is fae-linda. Noldo is nole-doe.

Q3: In the last Q&A you said that everything has meaning. Does Miranda's name mean anything?

A3: Yes, for Lunalyalin, Luna means moon and is often associated with water, as it moves the tides. Miranda's existence is intended to change fates or "move tides." I cannot tell you the rest at this moment as it is important to the plot.

Q4: Why is it that Miranda can only stand cold or freezing temperatures sometimes but not all the time? Shouldn't she be able to all time time or none of the time?

A4: Miranda has been gifted dragon fire. Her fire is fueled and ruled by her emotions. When she is sad, her fire weakens; when she is angry, it becomes stronger; the stronger the emotion, the stronger the result. That is why she can hike through snow one day but be rendered nearly immobile by freezing rain. 

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