Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Miranda's POV

"Are you really leaving?" Tauriel asked.

"Yes, but are you okay? You look pale," I told her, pressing a hand to her forehead. She swiped my hand away and nodded, though it looked like the motion caused her pain. I turned to a worried looking Kili and told him to take her back to bed.

"Don't worry about us here," Fili said, looking back at the two. "I'll be staying for a bit. I promise to help look after them."

"Thank you," I smiled. I sighed heavily, looking up at the sun. "I suppose I should get going."

"Send a message when you arrive," Arwen said hugging me.

"I will," I promised.

"Keep us informed on her condition Elrond requested," His brows scrunched together with worry.

I nodded, "I will. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if something happens."

"We will keep you informed as well," Arwen assured me. "Now you should go. Aysu, you should shrink yourself small enough to wrap yourself around her neck."

"But I don't like that size!" She whined. 

"Listen to Arwen," Elrond ordered sternly. "You have grown much over the years, but your wings still aren't strong enough to carry you all the way to Lorien without stopping for breaks. And the public opinion of dragons is still negative."

Aysukoriay pouted, "Okay." She shrunk herself down to the size of a large house cat and wrapped her body around Rochben's neck.

"You should go smaller," Elrond warned. "You are too noticeable."

"No," She refused, sticking her tongue out at the Elf Lord.

He opened his mouth to argue when Miranda held up her hand in a motion of silence. "I'll get her to shrink down to the size of a garden snake before we leave the tree line."

"A garden snake?!" Aysukoriay groaned. "No!"

"It is necessary for us to travel safely together," Miranda stated. "But if you would rather, you can stay here in Rivendell." She added, reaching to remove Aysu's things from Rochben's back.

"No!" Aysu cried out. "I'll do it! I'll do it! Don't leave me behind!"

Miranda smiled gently at her as Aysu shrunk further to when she was barely bigger than when she was first hatched. She uncoiled herself from the horse's neck and draped herself across Miranda's shoulders.

Miranda mounted Rochben and waved before urging her steed forward.

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now