Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Third POV

Time flew by and before Miranda had a chance to think about anything else, the wedding day came.

"Is everything ready?" Tauriel asked, squirming in her seat.

"Of course," Arwen responded, doing the bride's hair.

"The floral arrangements. Did they all come in?"

"They came in two days ago," Arwen assured her and continued when Tauriel opened her mouth again. "And they were set up and prepped."

"What about the centerpieces? Are they in place?" Tauriel fretted.

"Everything is ready. All you need to do now is sit still and allow us to help you get ready," Arwen stated.

"Everything okay in here?" Miranda asked, entering the room and shutting the door behind her.

"We're just fine," Arwen replied before Tauriel could interrogate her maid of honor.

"That's good. Elrond is prepped to welcome the guests, and everything is in place for the ceremony and reception," Miranda informed the two ladies in front of her then looked down. "All that's left to do is to get ready and for Tauriel to walk down that isle."

"Then let's get to it!" Arwen exclaimed, and began the bride's makeup with increased vigor.


On the day of the wedding, fine silk was draped from the ceiling of the ballroom. Elves and Dwarves alike were dressed in finery, flitting around the room and finding their seats in the rows prepared. An orchestra tuned their instruments and bouquets of flowers circled the room.

The chattering ceased as the doors opened and revealed a dashing groom dressed in a black suit and a golden tie. His onyx eyes shown with anticipation as he nervously fiddled with his cuff. Lord Elrond followed closely behind him, nodding regally at the gathered crowd. He placed himself at the center of the room, his white robe grazing the marble floors and a smile resting on his face as he gestured for all to stand as a delicate tune began to play.

A blonde-haired dwarf wearing a pale gold suit entered with a shorter dwarf on his arm. She was wearing a floor-length, deep-gold dress with a sash across one shoulder ending at her hip. Her curly-black hair was put over her other shoulder in an intricate braid that seemed to stem from other braids. Her gold eyes stared unwaveringly at her son at the end of the aisle. The groom took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"Mother," He said, his voice tense and calm all at once. "It's great to see you."

The woman nodded her head and went to stand next to her son's twin brother and she too turned to look down the aisle.

Behind the pair of dwarves was an elf with auburn hair pulled over her shoulder in a braid. Her brow glinted with the silver crown that rested there. The deep, emerald-green dress was accentuated with a golden cape that hung off of one shoulder, shimmering with every step. When she reached the alter, she curtsied to those standing ahead of her before turning and standing on the bride's side.

The next down the aisle was a pale elleth, a silver crown adorned her head of brown hair which was pulled into a braid. The floor-length, navy-blue dress brushed the marble floor. On her exposed ear was an ear-cuff dangling down past her earlobe before traveling back up finding its place in a small topaz stud. She too curtsied towards those gathered, then turned walking past a pair of seats right at the front, empty save for the pair of bouquets laid on the seats. Choosing to stand next to the maid of honor, she turned her attention to where the rest of the crowd was looking.

A man, wearing a long gray robe and a pointy hat that sagged some was totting down the aisle. His gray beard swished and swayed about his midsection. In his hands was a wooden box which he held close to his chest in one hand and in the other, a windy, wooden staff. The old man, upon reaching the end of his trek, nodded once ahead of him, and again to each side. Then he shuffled over to stand beside the Groomsman and sagged against his staff.

Next down the aisle was a short boy with large hairy feet. His pale gold suit clashing with his barefeet. In his hand was a white wicker basket, he reached in with one hand and flung petals into the air. As soon as he reached the end of the aisle, he unceremoniously overturned the basket, letting the remaining petals to fall, lazily to the floor. He nodded just as the man before him had done and walked to stand on the groom's side. Then the tune being played by the orchestra changed.

A buzz of excitement crackled through the room. People craned their necks to catch a glimpse as the doors slowly swung open. A gold embroidered slipper peeked out through the door followed by a champagne colored gown that echoed the embroidery on the flats and flared out gently from the Bride's thighs and trailed behind her. The bell-sleeves draped past her knees and rose up her shoulders only to fall back down displaying her back peeking out from behind her auburn-brown locks. Her hair hung in ringlets and part of her hair was braided behind her. She wore no veil. Instead, she wore a gold chain that draped over her face and hair. It was imbued with diamond droplets interlaced into the drooping chain. Her eyes were steady and certain, nervous but excited. She looked ahead of her; her steps sure as she reached whom she desired.

"Kili," She breathed.

The Groom reached his hand out to her, helping her up the stairs. He kissed the back of her hand mumbling, "Tauriel."

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: Waterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن