Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Miranda's POV

Two months later, the little dragon had grown some, instead of being no bigger than a kitten, she was now about the size of a full-grown cat.

"Little one," I said. I was greeted with an all too familiar hum inside my head. "Would you like to pick out a name?"

At this, the little dragon jumped to her claws and looked up at me excitedly. "Can I really?" She asked.

I nodded, about a week or so ago, she had decided she wanted to be female. All dragons are born female, but some choose to become male, this keeps the species from being wiped out. Or at least it is supposed to.

"What meaning do you want your name to have?" I asked her.

She thought about it for a moment, "What does your name mean?" I stared at her. I didn't know how to answer that. "Mommy?"

I shook my head and decided to answer her question honestly, "My full name is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda Noldo. Luna means moon and, in this case, translates to water. Aiyaelah is intended to mean soft wind or air." I stopped.

"And?" She asked, eager to learn.

I took a deep breath and continued, "Faelynda. Well, from what I have been told, it is supposed to be fae as in fairy, but in Quenya, one of the elvish languages, it means death." Then, to myself, I thought, I hold power over the water, air, and fire. Did my Naneth somehow know about this? Or was there another reason?

"What is death?" She asked.

"Death is the permeant end to a creature or organism," I responded.

"Okay!" She said.

"So, what name would you like?" I asked.

"I like the name Luna," she replied. "Can I have that name?"

"No, that is my name," I replied.

"Oh," she responded, looking down sadly.

"However," I continued. "It is something we can build on." At this, the little dragon became happy again.


Over the next few days, we looked up different names. She turned each and every one of them down instantly. I finally started to combine names. She kept turning them down, but it was good she was picky. A name held meaning, it defined you.

"How about Aku or Aysu?" I asked.

She hummed, "What do they mean?"

"Aku means moon and Aysu means moon water," I replied.

"I like them," She began. "But it's not quite right." I smiled, now we were getting somewhere.

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt